Preventing Osteoporosis

The #1 cause for Osteoporosis is the overuse of medications. All prescription drugs put the body into an acid state. When the body is in an acidic state, your bodies automatic response system is to buffer that acidity by pulling calcium and minerals from the bones.
Consuming alkaline foods, exercise, and avoiding obesity are essential in preventing Osteoporosis. The best remedy is to drink Alkaline water daily. Acid free Alkaline water is the universal solvent to flush toxins/poisons out of our body and at the same time help keep the body pH between 7.0 to 7-4.
Pregnant women lose a lot of alkaline minerals. The ingestion of Alkaline water is highly recommended.
We use Biofeedback at our clinics to detect and correct early sign of Osteopenia and Osteoporosis.
Milk: Does It Really Do a Body Good?
It turns out that the relationship between the proteins in dairy products and the calcium in bones is a rocky one. First of all, calcium appears to be ultimately pulled from bones to escort digested animal protein from any source — not just dairy products — on its trek through the body. Since the average American’s diet is protein-heavy to begin with, some experts say that eating lots of dairy foods may actually cause people to lose calcium. “When you eat a protein food, such as milk, you may be swallowing calcium, but you turn around and excrete calcium in your urine,” says Donna Herlock, MD, spokeswoman for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a nonprofit advocacy group opposed to milk consumption.

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