AVOID Statins Medications

Statins Medications which intended to lower your cholesterol like Lipitor, Zocor, Mevacor are great at driving your LDL cholesterol[bad cholesterol] levels through the floor; unfortunately, they do the same thing to CoQ10 levels. They have no effect on increasing HDL Cholesterol[Good Cholesterol].

Here are just a few of the risks you need to minimize if you are taking statins:
Inability to concentrate
Lowered sex drive
Weakened immune system
Shortness of breath Liver damage
Kidney failure
Nerve pain
Muscle weakness
Rhabdomyolysis (painful bursting of muscle cells)

There are no scientific evidence that Statin Drugs reduce the numbers of heart attacks or stroke.

Natural Red yeast rice and Policosinol are the natural equivalents which can be used safely with Statins to minimize their side effects.
Taking CoQ10 is highly recommended while taking statins and also changing your lifestyle to increase your HDL Cholesterol while minimizing LDL Cholesterol.

Adjusting your lifestyle is equally important to minimize Statin’s side effects. Reducing the consumption of sugar and flour has been very effective strategy to lower LDL Cholesterol.
When the new American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology guidelines were
announced, one well-known critic of poor and flawed clinical trials, John Ioannidis of Stanford
School of Medicine published a viewpoint in the JAMA pointing out the potential for more than a
billion people worldwide becoming eligible for the recommendation of statin therapy to prevent
cardiovascular disease.
In the US he estimated that there were about 100 million in the
targeted age group of 40 to 79 years. The guidelines would qualify about 45 million. The US
prevalence of diabetes in this age group is approximately 10 million.
The decision to follow recommendations and take a statin should be based on a risk/benefit
analyses. The benefits have been subjected to endless studies and meta-analysis. The general
conclusion is that for primary prevention, mostly in populations with enhanced risk of
cardiovascular disease events, the absolute benefit for the populations studied was between 1%
and 1.5%, i.e. 98.5% to 99% do not benefit. For secondary prevention (prior heart disease) the
numbers are slightly higher and typically 97% to 98% do not benefit. Almost all studies have
found no impact on mortality. However, and this is vital for such an analysis, when studies are
restricted to women, for primary prevention there is no benefit and for secondary prevention it is
similar to men.2, 3 This view was considerably strengthened very recently in a new metaanalysis,
although one would be led to the opposite conclusion by reading the discussion
section in the paper. It is necessary to examine the tables that are only in the online
supplemental material which are very clear. For primary prevention of major coronary events
and stroke, statins are not effective.

The other numbers needed for the risk/benefit analysis involve risk. Prior to 2012, the data on
statins and diabetes was buried in the literature and had not made it to the drug package
inserts, the so-called label, which in the US is regulated by the FDA. But the matter was not
clarified much. For example, the label change for Lipitor was changed to read, Increases in
HbA1c and fasting serum glucose levels have been reported with HMG-CoA reductase
Over-diagnosis of ADHD
Newcastle diet for diabetes
Triglycerides and type 2 diabetes risk

inhibitors, including Lipitor. This is a way of suggesting that there is a risk of new-onset
diabetes, but to many it is intentional doublespeak since for the general public, that statement
may not bring up the notion of diabetes risk and it downplays the considerable set of data that
actually recorded actual diabetes cases.

The discovery of CoQ10 just over 50 years ago was a breakthrough that advanced our understanding of energy production dramatically.

The biochemist who pioneered the research even won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for it in 1978 and the studies have not stopped since.

In fact, researchers have found CoQ10 deficiency in people with almost every health problem you can imagine. Just look what some of the research has shown:

For your heart: According to the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, clinical studies have found CoQ10 promotes cardiovascular health…
For your brain: In an animal study performed at Johns Hopkins University it was shown that CoQ10 supplementation improves learning and memory…
Controlling your blood sugar: An Australian study showed that patients who took CoQ10 were able to maintain healthy blood sugar levels…
For your lungs: Researchers in Texas found CoQ10 promotes bronchial health.
A powerful antioxidant: CoQ10 has been shown to be a powerful antioxidant, blasting free radicals that can damage cell membranes and mitochondria…
Even your vision: In a recent clinical trial, taking CoQ10 for a year helped subjects see more clearly…
And your gums: CoQ10 helps improve gum and oral health…
And your skin: A German study showed that CoQ10 can help reduce wrinkles and protect skin from damaging sunlight…
It is the ultimate cell food bar none. Every single organ and system of your body needs its fair share.

But — there is a little problem…

A Tale of Two Nutrients
Let’s look at what happens with two hypothetical healthy minded people.

Take Joe. He’s very conscious about supplements and what he needs for his health.

Joe takes a popular brand CoQ10 supplement. He pays almost $50 for an 80 day supply. That is about $.62 a day.

Sounds like he is doing the right thing. He is taking one of the top antioxidants that is supposed to give him all those great health benefits listed above.

But Here is The Problem…
Our levels of CoQ10 begin to decline naturally, particularly after age 40.

By their 60’s and 70’s, some people have none at all.

Your cells may not have enough energy to function properly. You will also be more vulnerable to free radical damage that may lead to big problems.

This is why taking supplemental CoQ10 makes so much sense. And that’s what Joe is doing.

But if CoQ10 is such an essential enzyme…why have I stopped recommending you take CoQ10 every single day?

Take CoQ10 that is absorbed in your body and take it in a soft gel since it is fat soluble.

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