Ringing in the ear known as Tinnitus can range from mildly distracting to completely debilitating. No matter what others may say, it can prevent you from leading a normal life. And even though millions of people have struggled with it for centuries, modern doctors still resort to telling patients, You just have to live with it.” Taking high doses of aspirin, antidepressants, sleeping pills or blood presure medication may be reponsible for this syndrome. Partial hear loss or ear infection is also the culprit. When you understand how the ear works, its no surprise that hearing problems are among the hardest to treat. The ear may be small, but it’s actually one of the most complex parts of the human body with thousands of tiny parts that can only be seen through a microscope. I recommend taking a high potency multivitamin/minerals and use a drop of olive oil/tea tree oil in the ear for 15-30 days to resolve this challenge.
The following tips may help you reduce symptoms of tinnitus.
Cut back on or stop drinking alcohol and beverages containing caffeine.
Stop smoking and stop using smokeless tobacco products. Nicotine use makes tinnitus worse by reducing blood flow to the structures of the ear.
Limit your use of aspirin, products containing aspirin, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen.
Exercise regularly. Deep Breathing, stress reduction and meditation help with ringing in the ear.