Live in the Present; Learn; Love; Laugh; Let Go & Leave a Legacy. c 2023
Samples of our 20 Published books/Awards:

Dr. Eric Zuley, Founder of EZWAY NETWORK. Doctorate of Humanitarian Services.
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Your 101 Ways to live Healthy, Wealthy, Sexy and Wise to 111.
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The Tea Tree Oil Bible, Dr. George Grant & Dr. Elvis Ali $19.95
Your Cure for Cancer, Dr. George Grant, Dr. Charles McWilliams $19.95
Our Scientists & Mastermind TEAM I aspire to inspire until I expire.
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The information in this site is for Education Purpose Only. It is NOT intended to diagnose, Cure any disease. It is NOT approved by Health Canada, FDA or CDC.
Professor George Grant, Ph.D. Worked as a Senior Consultant for Health Canada, with MOU with FDA & CDC for 10 years.
Professor George Grant, Ph.D. is Not affiliated with CMA. We Care, Serve & Educate. We do NOT Medicate, Operate, Irradiate, Amputate, Vaccinate.
Many Thanks for thousands of our clients worldwide who had great comments on our best selling books.
You have inspired me to be the best I can be.
Dr. George Grant, Ph.D. The Caring Doctor