Live Healthy & Happy to 111+++

Daily Affirmations to live Healthy & Happy to 111+++:

1. I am allowed to take up space.

2. My past is not a reflection of my future.

3. I am smart enough to make my own decisions.

4. I am in control of how I react to others.

5. I choose peace.

6. I am courageous and stand up for myself.

7. I will succeed today.

8. I deserve to have joy in my life.

9. Im worthy of love.

10. I approve of myself and love myself deeply.

11. My body is healthy, and Im grateful.

12. I am more at ease every day.

13. I am calm, happy, and content.

14. My life is a gift and I appreciate everything I have.

15. Ill surround myself with positive people who will help bring out the best in me.

16. I dont need someone else to feel happiness.

17. I am allowed to take the time to heal.

18. My imperfections make me unique.

19. I am allowed to make mistakes; they dont make up my whole story.

20. I choose not to criticize myself or others around me.

21. My potential to succeed is limitless.

22. Difficult times are part of my journey and allow me to appreciate the good.

23. I forgive those who have hurt me.

24. I am in charge of my life and no one will dictate my path besides me.

25. I am doing my best and that is enough.

26. I have the power to create change.

27. I know exactly what to do to achieve success.

28. I choose to be proud of myself and the things I choose to do.

29. I will not compare myself to strangers on the Internet.

30. I am enough.

31. I let go of all that no longer serves me.

32. I love myself fully, including the way I look.

33. My life becomes richer as I get older.

34. I can absolutely do anything I put my mind to.

35. I am worthy of respect and acceptance.

36. My contributions to the world are valuable.

37. My needs and wants are important.

38. I make a significant difference to the lives of people around me.

39. I am blessed with an amazing family and friends.

40. I attract money easily into my life.

41. My life is full of amazing opportunities that are ready for me to step into.

42. I am free to create the life I desire.

43. I am open to new adventures in my life.

44. I am bold, beautiful, and brilliant.

45. My body shape is perfect in the way its intended to be.

46. When I allow my light to shine, I unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

47. No amount of guilt can change the past, and no amount of worrying can change the future.

48. To make small steps toward big goals is progress.

49. Negative thoughts only have the power I allow them.

50. I can choose to make my curses my blessings.

Apply the 12 Laws of the Universe to focus on co-creating the BEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE and EVEN MORE SUCCESS…


The Law of Divine Oneness – everything is connected to everything else. What we think, say, do and believe will have a corresponding effect on others and the universe around us.

Law of Vibration – Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular patterns, the same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibration frequency, unique unto itself.

Law of Action – Must be employed in order for us to manifest things on earth. We must engage in actions that supports our thoughts dreams, emotions and words

Law of Correspondence – This Universal Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world energy, Light, vibration, and motion have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe “As above, so below”

Law of Cause and Effect – Nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws.. Every Action(including thought) has a reaction or consequence “We reap what we sow”

Law of Compensation- The Universal Law is the Law of Cause and effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships and blessings.

Law of Attraction – Demonstrates how we create the things, events and people that come into our lives Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy – All persons have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change

Law of Relativity – Each person will receive as series of problems (Tests of Initiation/Lessons) for the purpose of strengthening the light within each of these tests/lessons to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others problem into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, There is always someone who is in a worse position. Its all relative.

Law of Polarity – Everything is on a continuum and has and opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.

Law of Rhythm – Everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms.. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God’s Universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting to excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.

Law of Gender – The law of gender manifests in all things as masculine and feminine. It is this law that governs what we know as creation. The law of gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. This law decrees everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.


Personally, I focus on applying these laws in my life with great success and highly recommend you do the same and watch the magic unfold…

If I were limited to only one area of my life in which I could aspire to be happy, undoubtedly I would choose my health. In my experience, having a sense of health and well-being opens the door to contentment, purposeful living and pleasure. In contrast, the absence of health can be limiting and sometimes downright depressing. It’s easy to regard happiness as something that happens to you, but I believe being happy is a choice, a state of mind you must actively seek.

When you are consistently in a happy frame of mind, you are more likely to eat well, exercise regularly, get better sleep and manage stress more effectively. All of those activities are beneficial habits associated with optimal health. It’s well known that happiness and good health are closely linked. In fact, scientific research has shown happiness positively affects your heart health, immune system, stress levels, disease rates and longevity.

Being Happy Protects Your Heart
A 2012 analysis by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), suggests positive mood may reduce your risk of heart attacks, strokes and other heart-related events. After reviewing more than 200 previous studies published in two major scientific databases, the authors found happiness, life satisfaction and optimism were associated with a reduced risk of heart disease.

Said study author Julia Boehm, Ph.D., a postdoctoral research fellow in the department of society, human development and health at HSPH:2 “The most optimistic people had an approximately 50 percent reduced risk of experiencing an initial cardiovascular event compared to their less-optimistic peers. From the research, it also appears these positive factors slow the progression of disease.”

Notably, the favorable association between happiness and heart health remained true regardless of factors such as age, body weight, smoking and socioeconomic status. Boehm and her team observed optimistic people seem more motivated to treat their bodies better than those with a negative disposition, which may impact heart health. Boehm notes:3

“We found if you have a positive disposition you’re more likely to exercise, eat well and get enough sleep at night. This can have positive biological effects in terms of inflammation, cholesterol, blood pressure and lipids. Engaging in healthier behaviors can lead to healthier bodily functions.”

Emotional Vitality Is a Great Health Resource
The featured analysis echoes previous long-term research.4 A 2007 HSPH study involving 6,025 men and women aged 25 to 74, followed over a mean period of 15 years, concluded emotional vitality influences the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Researchers characterized emotional vitality as a sense of positive energy, the ability to effectively regulate emotion and behavior, and positive well-being, which includes feeling engaged and interested in life. About the research outcomes, study author Laura Kubzansky, Ph.D., HSPH professor of social and behavioral sciences, said:5

“Findings suggest individuals with higher levels of emotional vitality had reduced risk of developing CHD. [O]ne mechanism underlying this relationship may be health behaviors.Greater emotional vitality was significantly associated with less smoking, moderated alcohol consumption and more physical activity.”

Being Happy Strengthens Your Immune System
While evidence from scientific studies suggests your mental state can influence your overall health, it has proven difficult to explain how subjective moods affect your body on a molecular level, especially your nervous and immune systems. Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is the field tasked with searching for these explanations.

Under the umbrella of PNI, a small body of research led by Steven Cole, professor of medicine, psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at the UCLA School of Medicine, has linked happiness to the function of your immune cells.”There’s an intrinsic connection between our experience of life and the molecular function of our bodies,” says Cole.6

According to Cole, the balance of your immune system’s two primary functions fighting viral infection and fighting bacterial infection through inflammatory response is changeable based on your life experiences. His earlier work suggested negative experiences such as being diagnosed with cancer or depression result in increased activity of inflammation genes in your immune cells.7,8

“Over the past 15 years, we have found diverse social and psychological experiences that cause a sense of threat or uncertainty can evoke a similar response in our immune cells. We’re now beginning to ask how positive life circumstances might potentially counteract those negative-threat effects at the molecular level.”

Emotional States Influence Genetic Expression
Cole partnered with researchers from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, to examine the notion of happiness in biological terms.9 The team asked 80 healthy adults 14 questions about their well-being. Questions ranged from how happy participants felt to how often they felt their life had meaning, and were designed to distinguish between two forms of happiness recognized by psychologists:10

Hedonic well-being (happiness characterized by emotions related to material and bodily pleasures)
Eudaimonic well-being (deeper satisfaction resulting from involvement in activities with a greater meaning or purpose, such as charity work, intellectual pursuits or social relationships)
After analyzing the questionnaires to assess each participant’s level of hedonic and eudaimonic well-being, Cole’s team took blood samples to study the functioning of each contributor’s immune cells. The bloodwork was necessary because although both types of well-being are positive emotional states associated with happiness, the gene expression they produce is different.

Interestingly, participants whose sense of happiness was rooted in eudaimonic well-being were found to have favorable gene-expression profiles, meaning their immune cells showed higher levels of antiviral response and lower levels of inflammatory response. In contrast, individuals reflecting more hedonic well-being produced gene profiles similar to people undergoing stress due to adversity.

Meditation and Mind-Body Modalities Can Pay Off in Health Dividends
In terms of follow-up research, Cole hopes to figure out how to evoke a more eudaimonic-linked profile in the immune system. For now, he believes mind-body practices like meditation can help. After all, such practices “have been shown to cultivate positive and happy immune cells,” states Cole.11

Research specifically indicates meditation, prayer and yoga, particularly in the context of long-term practice, have many beneficial effects on your health, including your immune system. Researchers suggest the relaxation response realized through these activities results in:12 ” enhanced expression of genes associated with energy metabolism, mitochondrial function, insulin secretion and telomere maintenance, and reduced expression of genes linked to inflammatory response and stress-related pathways.”

Being Happy Combats Stress
Although conventional wisdom maintains smiling is an effect of being happy, it may in fact be the other way around. Research suggests if you “put on a happy face” you indeed may feel happier and less stressed. A 2012 study conducted at the University of Kansas affirms smiling as a stress reducer regardless of your actual mood.

For the experiment, 170 college students were trained to hold chopsticks in their mouths while maintaining one of three different facial expressions: neutral, standard smile and Duchenne (more emphatic) smile. According to researchers, the chopsticks were used to force participants to smile without them being aware they were doing so, and only half of the group members were actually told to smile.

Next, the students completed stress-inducing tasks during which they self-reported their stress levels and researchers measured their heart rates. Based on heart rate being an indicator of your body’s response to stress, the results seem to reflect smiling can reduce your stress levels regardless of your mood. The main outcomes from the study were two-fold:14

Participants who were instructed to smile, and especially those bearing bigger Duchenne smiles, maintained lower heart rates as compared to the neutral-expression group
Participants who had not been explicitly told to smile, but were forced into a smiling expression because of the chopsticks, also had lower heart rates than the neutral-expression group, but to a smaller degree
Study co-author Sarah Pressman, who currently is an associate professor of psychology and social behavior at the University of California, Irvine, said:15 “The next time you are stuck in traffic or are experiencing some other type of stress you might try to hold your face in a smile for a moment. Not only will it help you ‘grin and bear it’ psychologically, but it might actually help your heart health as well.”

Joyful Activities Are an Important Part of Self-Care
You may have already realized many of the aspects of your life that create happy feelings are also very likely to be stress relievers. Activities such as being creative, enjoying your work, exercising, investing in a hobby and relating to friends serve a dual purpose for generating happiness and relieving stress. According to, incorporating life-affirming activities into your lifestyle to balance potential stressors is an important aspect of caring for yourself`

“When you’re overwhelmed with stress, often just relieving the imminent pressures is foremost on your mind; however, following a stress-relief program that also incorporates activities known to increase overall happiness can give you short-term stress relief and the lasting gains of a happy life. And when you incorporate into your life a general state of happiness, and make habit the lifestyle features that promote it, you’ll be better able to weather future stress in your life.”

Being Happy Minimizes Pain, Illness and Disease
Because your emotions are a form of energy, positive emotions seem to contribute to better physical health. According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, holistic chiropractor and author of “The Emotion Code,” when you feel an emotion, what you’re really sensing is the vibration of a particular energy.

These “balls of energy,” particularly the ones associated with intense emotions, can become lodged just about anywhere in your body, where they tend to cause disruptions in your body’s energy system. When left unchecked, the disruptions created by negative emotions may eventually translate into physical issues such as pain, illness and disease. You may not realize your body cannot tell the difference between an actual experience that triggers an emotional response and an emotion fabricated through a thought process alone.

For example, when you worry about something negative that might occur but has not actually happened, your body may not know the difference between mere thoughts and reality, which may trigger your body’s stress response. Persistent ruminating and over-focusing on the negative in an emotional sense can open the door to all sorts of health problems.

The converse is true for positive emotions like happiness. If you choose to consistently dwell on the positive and pleasant aspects of life, your mind will elevate in ways that give you a more upbeat outlook. This upbeat outlook, or happiness, can in turn fuel healthy attitudes and habits that will help you combat illness and disease.

Wherever You Are, Be Present
A great technique to help elevate your thoughts is the practice of mindfulness, which is a means of actively paying attention to the moment you’re in right now by maintaining an internal rather than external focus. Rather than letting your mind roam free, when you’re mindful you’re tuned into the present moment inside yourself versus focused on your racing thoughts about external circumstances.

Aside from helping you harness an internal sense of strength to go after what you want in life, including a more positive, happier mental state, mindfulness can also help reduce stress-induced inflammation. Simple techniques such as the following can help you to become more mindful:

Pay focused attention to an aspect of sensory experience, such as the sound of your own breathing
Distinguish between simple thoughts and those colored by emotion (such as “I have a performance review tomorrow,” versus “What if I get a bad review and don’t get the raise I need?”)
Reframe emotional thoughts as simply “mental projections” so your mind can rest
In the video below, Dr. Mike Evans, former staff physician at Toronto’s St. Michael’s Hospital and founder of Reframe Health Lab, speaks to some of the science of happiness, including mindfulness.

Being Happy Lengthens Your Life
While it’s long been thought being happy can improve your quality of life, research shows it may increase the quantity of your life too. In 2014, researchers from Princeton University, Stony Brook University and University College London (UCL) studied 9,050 English people to determine if happiness contributes to a longer life span.

Participants, who were an average age of 65, were asked to respond to a questionnaire designed to measure their eudemonic well-being (the type of happiness related to your sense of purposefulness and meaning about life). Researchers divided respondents into four categories based on their answers, ranking them from highest to lowest well-being.

The study results were adjusted for factors such as age, gender, physical health and socio-economic status to rule out any influences that may negatively affect length of life. Notably, people expressing the greatest sense of well-being were 30 percent less likely to die during the follow-up period, and lived on average two years longer than those reporting the least well-being.

Study leader and professor Andrew Steptoe, head of the research department of behavioral science and health at UCL’s Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care, suggests the research raises the possibility that higher levels of well-being may indeed be related to improved physical health and longevity.

“We have previously found happiness is associated with a lower risk of death. These analyses show the meaningfulness and sense of purpose older people have in their lives are also related to survival [T]he findings raise the intriguing possibility that increasing well-being could help to improve physical health.”

Happiness A Secret Leveraging Agent
A 2011 review of more than 160 studies of human and animal subjects, published in the journal Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, also suggests “happy people tend to live longer and experience better health than their unhappy peers.” Lead author Ed Diener, University of Illinois professor emeritus of psychology and Gallup senior scientist, shares his perspectives on the research.

“Happiness is no magic bullet, but the evidence is clear and compelling that it changes your odds of getting disease or dying young. Although there are a handful of studies that find opposite effects, the overwhelming majority of studies support the conclusion that happiness is associated with health and longevity.”

With a few exceptions, Diener notes most of the long-term studies his team reviewed discovered variables such as anxiety, depression, a lack of enjoyment of daily activities and pessimism are associated with higher rates of disease and shorter lifespans.

If you struggle with happiness and need more tips and pointers beyond what’s been suggested here such as meditation and mindfulness training please see the following link to a previous article with a long list of habits known to promote happiness and a joyful state of mind.

If you wish to live HEALTHY to 101, you must use Prevention instead of Intervention. Why? Because:
Psychiatric disorders affect over 26% of our adult population and over 20% of our adolescent population.

Over 40 million people suffer from anxiety and more than 20 million people have depression.

1-10 Americans takes an antidepressant, which has tripled in the past decade.

Alzheimers will affect 30%, and some experts are saying up to 50% of people over the age of 85.

9% of our 8-15 year olds have been given the label, ADHD.

In the last decade, autism has increased from 3 in 10,000 to 1 in 166.

Wise Life: The GPS for Total Wellness.
Helping Clients, Corporations & Non Profits via mobile wellness clinics & Retreats Worldwide.
Join our TEAM [Together Everyone Achieve More]to collaborate and enhance lives Worldwide by sending an email to:

A lot of men and their doctors believe that the best way to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) is with testosterone therapy. But they are mistaken and a new study proves it…

Researchers selected a group of men with ED (aged 60-74) and divided the men into 3 groups. They gave the first group testosterone therapy. They gave the second group a combination of two littleknown forms of the nutrient L-carnitine. The third group got a placebo.

Before, during and at the end of the 6-month study, the researchers measured the men’s ability to gain and maintain an erection. Here’s what they discovered.

Stronger, Longer-Lasting Erections!

The group taking the L-carnitine had stronger erections than the testosterone group and their erections lasted longer! But that’s not all…

While the testosterone group experienced a significant enlargement of their prostate glands, there was no increase in the L-carnitine group.

Nor was there a rise in their PSA levels. In addition, the men who received the L-carnitine showed important improvements in their cardiovascular function as well as a favorable increase in their lean muscle mass and a loss of body fat. (These are the same heart benefits seen with testosterone therapy.) The men in the L-carnitine group also experienced improvements in their moods (less depression) and energy levels (decreased fatigue).

If there is no way to live to 111+, create one.

The cells in your body continually divide and replace themselves. So theoretically, you should always have young cells in your tissues.

But there is one catch

Every time a new cell forms, your chromosomes , and their tiny caps at the end called telomeresget shorter. Eventually, they become so short the chromosome cant do its job anymore. Cell division slows, and comes to a halt. No more new, young, healthy cells to replace the old.

And thats when things start to go downhill in a hurry.

So keeping your telomere intact makes all the difference when it comes to staying vibrant, healthy, and independent as you age.

And groundbreaking research from a Nobel-prize winning scientist shows there is an easy, PILL-FREE technique that does not just protect your telomere can actually repair and lengthen them.

In fact, a 2014 review of four randomized controlled trials showed that this one, simple trick made a huge impact on telomere. Of course the researchers say these results just suggest the need for further large-scale trials.

1. How to Become More Optimistic
EXPECT something wonderful to happen every day.
TREAT people as you’d want to be treated.
DON’T waste breath fighting about things you can’t change.
CONCENTRATE on the job at hand, not the results you seek.
ASSUME other people mean well.
AVOID depressing people and conversations.
EAT something delicious every day.
TURN OFF the background television.
ADOPT an attitude of gratitude.
REMEMBER that the best is yet to come.
2. How to Eliminate Stress
CULTIVATE the patience and perspective to let go of your results.
FOCUS on what you’re doing now rather than the results.
IF you’re overworked, negotiate a more reasonable workload.
CUT your hours to the “sweet spot,” which is about 40 hours a week.
AVOID people who won’t or can’t control their own stress.
FIND a place where you can work quietly away from distractions.
TURN OFF news programming that’s designed to rile you up.
TURN DOWN projects that you can’t do well.
STOP arguing with fools and strangers online.
ARRANGE tasks consecutively rather than trying to multitask.
3. How to Overcome Fear
CONFRONT your fears head on to reduce their power.
IMAGINE dealing with the fear to make it less daunting.
REMEMBER that fear is just excitement in disguise.
USE fear to spawn the energy you need to perform well.
4. How to Cope With Rejection
REALIZE that rejection is just a difference of opinion.
UNDERSTAND that rejection only hurts because you let it.
REMEMBER that every rejection moves you closer to your goal.
KEEP other opportunities in reserve so you can quickly move on.
5. How to Rise Above Failure
CREATE goals that motivate you to achieve something possible.
ALWAYS write goals down; display them where you’ll see them.
DECIDE by saying “I must…” or “I will…” rather than “I’ll try….”
BREAK your big goals into smaller, measurable milestones.
CHECK whether you’re moving toward or away from your goals.
WELCOME setbacks because they’ll hone your plan.
REMEMBER that the only true failure is failing to take action.
6. How to Achieve Your Dream Job
KNOW what would constitute your dream job.
FIND role models and incorporate their way of thinking.
HAVE the courage to sacrifice your security.
LEARN to sell your ideas and yourself.
CREATE a plan and start executing it today.
ADJUST your goal as you learn more about yourself.
7. How to Attain Career Security
LIVE below your means until you’ve got six months of income saved.
DEVELOP expertise that makes it less likely you’ll be fired.
CULTIVATE new opportunities and record them in an escape plan.
8. How to Get More Done Each Day
DON’T take calls from people you don’t know, unless you’re working in telesales or product support.
USE email instead of time-consuming voice mail
LIMIT your chitchat with co-workers.
TURN OFF “alerts” that interrupt your thinking.
KEEP TRACK of how you spend time; that’s half the battle.
REMEMBER that 20 percent of your actions produce 80 percent of your results.
ONLY DO the 20 percent that produces the 80 percent of your results.
PRIORITIZE based on what accomplishes the most with the least effort.

Complete this test:
Read/download my book How to live Healthy to 101+

Modern fitness research offers many potent reminders that physical activity is one of the best “preventive drugs” for many common ailments, from psychiatric disorders to heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

When you are faced with Cancer Diagnosis do NOT FEAR? The worst 4 letters word starting with F?

FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

FEAR= Forget Everything and RUN

FEAR= Face Everything and RISE

Cancer is reversible, preventable through lifestyle changes & Thermotherapy, achieving alkaline pH, Full Hydration, Full Oxygen through Deep Belly Breathing.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anythingpraiseworthymeditate on these things.

Read my published research on Thermotherapy using the Amethyst Bio Mat to prevent/Reverse Cancer.

Top causes of death

According to CDC, the top 10 causes of death and the approximate number of deaths each year in the U.S. are

  • heart disease: 610,000
  • cancer: 580,000
  • lung disease: 149,000
  • accidents: 131,000
  • stroke: 129,000
  • Alzheimers disease: 85,000
  • diabetes: 76,000
  • flu and pneumonia: 57,000
  • kidney disease: 47,000
  • suicide: 41,000

These numbers come from death certificates, and that means they are subject to some error. For example, when a person in his 90s has several chronic diseases and dies in his sleep, the cause of death listed on the death certificate might be little more than a hunch.

Top health concerns

Contrast the list above to the health concerns that rise to the top when large numbers of people are surveyed. For example, a Gallup poll conducted yearly asks adults in the U.S. to name the most urgent health concerns. In the November 2015 poll, cost and access to healthcare were at the top (as they have been for many years). As for diseases, here are the most frequently mentioned concerns:

  • obesity: 15%
  • cancer: 14%
  • diabetes: 2%
  • drug & alcohol abuse: 2%
  • heart disease: 1%
  • flu: 1%
  • mental illness: 1%
  • AIDS: 1%

Remarkably, many of the top causes of death dont even show up on this list, and many that do barely register. Perhaps survey respondents are thinking more about conditions that cause suffering or impaired quality of life rather than causing death. Or, perhaps the causes of death that primarily affect the elderly (such as stroke) are not as big a concern to the public as those that affect younger individuals. Whatever the reason, the difference is striking.

Many studies have also confirmed that prolonged sitting is an independent risk factor for disease and early death. So it’s no major surprise to find that inactivity may be costing the global economy tens of billions of dollars each year in lost productivity and healthcare costs.

As reported by Reuters and others,a recent study looking at data from 1 million individuals worldwide found that lack of physical activity had a global price tag of $67.5 billion in 2013.

Of this amount, $32.2 billion was paid by the public sector, $12.9 billion by the private sector and $9.7 billion by individual households. According to their findings, one hour of daily exercise could eliminate a majority of these expenses.

According to the researchers, inactivity is also the cause of more than 5 million deaths per year. To put that into perspective in terms of being a risk factor, smoking kills about 6 million annually.

If you have 3 or more of the following symptoms? you probably have minerals & vitamins deficiency & adrenal fatigue and/or chemical exposure:

  • Fatigue in the morning, late afternoon or evening…
  • Stiff neck, joints
  • Pain in your muscles anywhere on your body…
  • Occasional headache
  • feeling anxious or sad.
  • mood swings
  • Sleep disorder
  • memory problems/brain fog
  • Low Sex drive
  • An inability to concentrate on simple tasks or when reading
  • Exposure to Pesticides: Pesticides and synthetic fertilizers were hailed as scientific marvels that afforded the Western world the highest standard of living the world had ever known. Exposure to drugs may have severe side effect so you need to evaluate your risk vs benefits.In this chemistry-based model, every problem has a chemical solution: pesticides to kill pests, herbicides to address weeds, insecticides to get rid of specific insects, fungicides against mushrooms and fungi and synthetic fertilizers to promote growth.
  • 18 Signs You Could Be Suffering from a Mineral Imbalance

    Only a detailed analysis of your blood and/or Biofeedback Assessment would tell you for sure. But here are some common symptoms and diseases people experience when they are deficient of certain trace minerals or have mineral imbalances

    1. Fatigue
    2. Depression
    3. Infertility
    4. Hypothyroidism
    5. Diabetes
    6. Poor concentration
    7. Memory problems
    8. Osteoporosis
    9. Arthritis
    1. Frequent food cravings
    2. Impaired growth
    3. High cholesterol
    4. Coronary disease
    5. Multiple Sclerosis
    6. Cancer
    7. Immune deficiencies
    8. Obesity
    9. Premature aging
    95% of all vitamin/Minerals supplements on the market are synthetic. Read page 70 in our book “The All in One Guide to natural Remedies & Supplements”
  • Evaluate Risk vs Benefit before using any medications.
  • Medications make a difference generally a positive one in the lives of many people. But at the same time, all drugs carry side effects and with many medications, one or more of those side effects can alter your balance. How? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, common problems include vision changes, dizziness or lightheadedness, drowsiness, and impaired alertness or judgment. Some medications can even damage the inner ear, spurring temporary or permanent balance disorders.
  • Some of the commonly prescribed medications that can affect balance include:

    • antidepressants
    • anti-anxiety drugs
    • antihistamines prescribed to relieve allergy symptoms
    • blood pressure and other heart medications
    • pain relievers, both prescription and non-prescription
    • sleep aids (over-the-counter and prescription forms)

    Sometimes the problem isn’t a single drug, but a combination of medications being taken together. Older adults are especially vulnerable because drugs are absorbed and broken down differently as people age.

    If you are concerned about how your medications may be affecting your balance, call your doctor and ask to review the drugs you’re taking, their doses, and when you take them. It is never a good idea to just stop taking a medication without consulting your doctor first.

    Diatomaceous earthis a type of powder made from the sediment of fossilized algae found in bodies of water. Because the cells of these algae were high in a compound called silica, the dried powder produced from these fossils is about 80% to 90% silica. Early clinical research suggests that taking diatomaceous earth 250 mg three times daily for eight weeks reduces total cholesterol by up to 13.2% compared with baseline, and also reduces low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides in people with moderately high

    For more on improving your balance, buyBetter Balance: Easy exercises to improve stability and prevent falls, a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School.

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    Did you Know You Could Get Cancer! Just from Drinking Milk?

For the past 20 years, much of the nation milk has come from cows injected with a genetically engineered growth hormone known as rBST.

Write those letters down


After were done here today, you should go to your fridge and look at the milk you have. Make sure your milk is rBST-free.

Again, its


But before you go check, let me explain how dangerous those letters can be

Farmers inject rBST into cows every two weeks to increase hormonal activity, boosting milk production by as much as 25%.

Thats great for dairy producers, who are able to get more milk from each cow, increasing their profits. Its also great for the biotech companies that sell the hormone.

There is only one big problem: this hormone has been linked to various types of cancer.

That probably explains why all 27 countries of the European Union, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada have all banned its use in milk destined for human consumption.

Sadly, the U.S. is the only developed nation that allows rBST.

The Cancer Prevention Coalition has even submitted several petitions to the FDA asking them to ban this hormone.

But the FDA has ignored their requests. Maybe that explains why the U.S. has the highest rates of cancer in the world.

A study done by Susan Hackinson, ScD, of Harvard Medical School, has showed that this hormone increases the risk of developing breast cancer seven-fold in women under 50 and that it increases a mans risk of developing prostate cancer nine-fold.

Dr. Jenny Pompilio, a physician with Kaiser Permanente in Oregon says: Its been known for years that this particular hormone is linked with cancers [because of its] effects on the endocrine system.

Now, if youre like me, youre probably asking yourself: how in the hell has the FDA approved this?

You would think that, after approving it, the FDA would at least slap a label on rBST milk saying something like warning: could cause cancer.

But thats not what happened.

Dairies that use this dangerous hormone dont even have to disclose that information to consumers.

And the FDA didnt stop at forbidding GM labeling It went one step further.

In 1994 they wrote a regulation requiring that any food label describing the product as bovine growth hormone free must also include these words:

The FDA has determined no significant difference has been shown between milk derived from rBST and non rBST treated cows

So, the FDA basically restricted dairies that did not use the hormone from pointing out that their milk was different from the genetically modified kind.

Maybe you have seen this statement on your jug of milk. And since it comes from the FDA, I bet you believed in it like I did.

But did you know that this rBST statement has never been verified by either Monsanto or FDA studies? If a private company had made such statement, it would be charged with fraud.

And it gets worse the FDA consistently covered up warnings from its own scientists about the health hazards of GMOs.

The details are buried inside 44,000 pages of FDAs internal files. Ill reveal the content of these documents in a moment.

First, its important that you understand that the approval of rBST reveals

One of the Biggest Government Lies:
The Food We Eat is Safe

You see, the FDA didnt perform any kind of testing in regards to rBST. FDA official John Scheid later admitted to the Associated Press that the agency based their approval simply on a summary provided by Monsanto.

Former FDA veterinarian Richard Burroughs, who was a lead reviewer in this hormones approval process, said the drug was approved prematurely without adequate information and that the whole rBST thing was bad science and bad regulation.

The European Union even investigated the FDAs faulty approval process and concluded that the hormones safety had never been proved.

Canadian scientists also analyzed the FDAs approval process and wrote a lengthy and scathing report. If you google Gaps Analysis Report, you can read it online.

The report recounted omissions, contradictions, weaknesses, and gaps in the FDA’s approval process. It concluded that

The required long-term studies to ascertain human safety were NOT conducted. Hence, the risk of sterility, infertility, birth defects, cancer and immunological disorder was not addressed.

Are you starting to see how dangerous this food scandal is?

Thanks to the FDA, you may have unknowingly drunk countless glasses of a dangerous substance or poured it into bowls of cereal for your children and grandchildren.

And, to this date, the agency continues to allow milk from cows treated with rBST.

Unless its labeled organic or rBST free, everything in the dairy section of your grocery store, including yogurt and cheese, probably includes milk from cows injected with this hormone.

Unfortunately, milk is just the tip of the iceberg.

With the help of the FDA, GMOs have spread throughout our food supply. Its virtually everywhere.

The obvious question is why would the FDA put Americans at risk?

Well, it turns out the Deputy Commissioner for Policy at the FDA in 1993 had strong links to Monsanto. He had worked for the company, before joining the FDA.

In fact, after helping secure the approval of rBST, he went back to Monsanto to work as its Vice President for public policy.

Today, hes once again at the FDA, working closely with the Obama administration on food safety.

You cant make this stuff up.

How dangerous GM foods really are?.

As a result

We have All Become Unwitting Guinea Pigs In an Experiment of Massive Proportions

Take soybeans, for example.

Scientists took genes from bacteria and inserted into the DNA of soy, creating a new kind of crop that can withstand mega doses of an herbicide called Roundup.

They call it Roundup-ready soy and it accounts for 94% of soybeans in the U.S.

So, farmers can spray these crops as often as they like. The herbicide will kill all weeds, but leave the soy plants intact.

This is great because the farmers who buy Roundup-ready soy also have to buy Roundup, which is the company best-selling herbicide.

As you can probably imagine, this scheme is very lucrative for biotech companies.

The only problem is that new studies show that GM soy can be dangerous to your health.

You might say but I do not eat a lot of soy products, so whats the big deal?

Well, did you know soy is in a thousand places we might never expect it, usually in the form of vegetable oil? You will find it in salad dressings, soups, and imitation meat products.

In fact, if you or anyone in your family eats any kind of processed food, such as cereals, cookies, cakes, chips, crackers, muffins, mac n cheese, chicken nuggets, its very likely you are eating genetically modified soy.

And numerous studies with animals have showed that

It Can Cause Damage in the Liver,
Lung, and Pancreas

UK scientists at the York Nutritional Laboratory have linked GM soy to digestion problems, headache, lethargy, acne, and eczema. And they sounded the alarm saying that their findings provide real evidence that GM food could have a tangible, harmful impact on the human body.

And a human study from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences said that parts of the altered gene in GM soy went on to live in our gut. The study concluded this has the potential to change our immune system in unpredictable ways.

Dr. John Boyles, an allergy specialist from Ohio, says GM soy is so dangerous that I tell people never to eat it.

Even babies are at risk

Because soy is used in 25% of all baby formulas in the US. Dr. Daniel Sheehan, a toxicologist formerly with the FDA, has warned that infants who drink this formula are part of a large, uncontrolled and basically non monitored human infant experiment.

So, how can you get around this problem?

Well, one easy step you can take is to avoid processed or packaged foods.

You see, aside from soybeans, in the U.S., 90% of sugar beets and 88% of corn are also genetically modified.

These items are basic components of pretty much everything you can find in a grocery store. So, every time you or your family eat processed or packaged food, there is a good chance you are taking a bite of a GM ingredient.

And that is just one simple solution. In a moment, Ill show you more than a dozen food secrets that will help you avoid GM food and improve your life.

As I mentioned earlier, I can’t guarantee they will make you live to 100 years old. But I can promise that you’ll be greatly better off than those who continue to eat potentially dangerous food.

First, let me show you why

You Could Be Eating a
Dangerous Toxin Every Day

Just like soy, corn also seems to be everywhere. High-fructose corn syrup lurks in foods that dont seem corny to us: candy, breads, ketchup, granola bars, and even English muffins.

While soy has been genetically modified to withstand herbicides, corn has been genetically modified to produce its own insecticide.

Scientists took genes from a bacterium that produces an insecticide and inserted it into corn. With that new genetic material, the corn can produce its own bacterial toxins, called Bt protein.

Its a toxin that is design to break open the stomach of insects that try to eat the corn. So, the corns cells produce a toxic protein that kills bugs.

The crop itself is the pesticide.

When I discovered this information, the first thing that came to my mind was

Wait a second if this toxin destroys the insects gut, could it do the same to me and my family?

According to the FDA, this corn is safe. They say Bt protein is toxic only to insects. But there is new evidence that shows Bt protein could damage humans as well.

A recent study published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences concluded that GM corn damages the liver and kidneys.

The Journal of Hematology Diseases published research showing that it destroys red blood cells, disrupt blood clotting and cause organ degeneration and tissue damage in mice.

Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus of Genetics at the University of Western Ontario, has also concluded that the Bt toxin could damage the small intestine.

And UKs Institute of Science in Society has said that Bt kills human kidney cells and that its approval was based on inadequate safety assessments.

No wonder genetically modified corn is already outlawed in Hungary, Austria, Germany, Greece, and Luxembourg.

But Americans are unknowingly consuming this Bt toxin every single time they eat something that has GM corn in it.

Just look at these rats they were fed genetically modified corn the same corn you buy from the grocery store and feed your family.

In this particular study, GM corn caused rats to develop horrifying tumors, widespread organ damage, and premature death.

Rats that ate GM corn saw four times the number of deaths and an 80% increase in cancer compared to those that ate conventional corn.

Despite all this shocking evidence, agricultural companies and the FDA continue to claim that GM corn is safe because, according to them, our body naturally degrades the Bt toxin.

If thats true, then how can you explain the fact that toxic pesticides from GM food crops have been found in unborn babies?

In a study that analyzed dozens of samples from women, scientists found traces of the toxin in 93% of the pregnant mothers and in 80% of the umbilical cords.

The research suggested the chemicals were entering the body through eating meat, milk and eggs from farm livestock that were fed GM corn.

And UKs The Telegraph reported that the studys conclusion appears to contradict the food industrys long-standing claim that any potentially harmful chemicals added to crops would pass safely through the body.

If you have kids in your family, Im sure you know exactly how I felt when I discovered all this shocking information

Because, perhaps, the most disturbing fact about our food supply is that.

Our Little Ones Are At Risk

Are your children or grandchildren suffering from chronic ear infections, coughs, runny noses and headaches? Eczema and itchy skin? Or frequent sleepiness, crankiness, or sickness?

If they suffer from symptoms like these, maybe their immune system is overreacting to the hormones in that apparently healthy glass of milk

Or that soy protein thats virtually in every processed food or to the high-fructose corn syrup that sweetens everything from sugar-free cereals to whole wheat bread.

You see, kids are much more sensitive to toxins. So, theyre very vulnerable to GM food.

Perhaps that explains why, in the last twenty years, the incidence of childhood ailments like food allergies, asthma, ADHD and autism have increased dramatically in the U.S.

During our research, we came across the opinion of a pediatrician who has been treating children for over 30 years. She has also been named one of Americas Top Pediatricians by the Consumers Research Council of America.

She says that over the last decade she has seen a huge jump in the number of children with chronic diseasesdigestive issues, profound food allergies, increased immunological disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, and more.

She believes GM food is behind this epidemic. And according to her,

We are a Living Science Experiment.

Take food allergies for example

Think back to when you were younger.

How many of your friends had peanut allergies?

Did your brother or sisters have to carry around an Epi-Pen? Did they have to be ready to shoot their bodies full of adrenaline if they ate something wrong?

When I was growing up, food allergies were extremely rare. In fact, I dont remember having any childhood friends who were allergic to nuts.

But today, we cant even send our children to school with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Because, chances are, a kid in their class is deadly allergic to peanuts or one of the other new allergies that are popping up like crazy.

And its not just our anecdotal proof we have. Science now verifies that something has gone horribly wrong with our food supply.

Dr. Jacqueline Pongracic, head of the allergy department at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago, says:

I’ve been treating children in the field of allergy immunology for 15 years, and in recent years I’ve really seen the rates of food allergy skyrocket. More than half of the children I care for have a food allergy.

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, food allergies affect more than six million children in America. Thats twice the number of cases recorded in 2007.

So again whats gone wrong?

Well, after months of research, I believe it all comes back to this genetically modified food were putting into our bodies.

Peanut allergy alone kills hundreds of American kids each year. And its incidence has increased 10-fold since 1997, the year GM soy was introduced into the market place.

According to the Center for Disease Control, the number of hospitalizations related to food allergies has also increased 265% in the decade following the introduction of GM food.

And a study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology concluded that genetically modified peanuts and soybeans can trigger allergic reactions in human body.

In other words, all these studies suggest that, in many occasions, our kids immune system perceives GM food as a threat, which leads to allergies.

They suggest the consumption of GM food explains the current food allergy epidemic.

In a minute, Ill show you which foods are safe for your children and grandchildren and which ones you should avoid, including 3 popular kids food you should NEVER feed your little ones.

But first, theres something I need to address

After all the shocking evidence Ive showed you here, Im sure by now youre asking

Why Isnt This Being Shouted
From The Rooftops??

Well, once you understand the strong link between government and big corporations that produce GM food, the answer is not exactly a surprise.

But that doesnt make it any less disturbing.

Big corporations, lobbyists and politicians will do anything to keep you in the dark. Why? Because theres big money involved. Thats the cold truth of our food supply.

If word gets out that genetically modified foods are potentially dangerous, the food companies billions of dollars in profits will be in SERIOUS jeopardy.

The genetically modified crop market is huge. In the last decade alone, Monsanto, which controls 90% of the market, has made more than $116 billion in sales.

And they use a lot of that money to make sure nobody will interfere with their business.

For example, in recent years they have spent over $52 million in lobbying to make sure they get the most favorable legislation possible.

And that has paid off as the New York Times said, the White House worked behind the scenes to help Monsanto get the regulations that it wanted.

The company is also a very prolific user of Washington DCs revolving door.

The FDA, for example, welcomes past and future executives from the food industry.

In other words, giant corporations literally send employees to go work for the FDA and other regulatory agencies, where they can write food policies that will favor the companies.

To this date, the current Deputy Commissioner for Policy at the FDA is a former Monsanto employee.

As a key regulator in charge of food safety, he has the ability to control what does and doesnt show up on your familys table.

Dont you think that having someone from one of these corporations in charge of food policies represents a huge conflict of interest?

Thanks to these intimate links with government agencies, food corporations could be

Using You and Your Family as Lab Rats

In 1992, when the FDA approved GMOs, the agency claimed there was an overall consensus among scientists that GM food was safe.

But now we know thats a big lie.

In 1998 a lawsuit forced 44,000 pages of internal files from the FDA into the public domain.

These memos reveal that the consensus was the exact opposite. Scientists urged the FDA to do long-term safety studies to guard against possible allergies, toxins, new diseases, and nutritional problems.

For example, FDA scientists recommended testing every GM food before it enters the marketplace because of the possibility of unexpected, accidental changes in genetically engineered plants.

According to one of the memos, Dr. Linda Kahl, an FDA compliance officer, warned the agency that the processes of genetic engineering leadto different risks.

And Dr. Jim Maryanski, the FDA Biotechnology Coordinator at the time, admitted that there was no consensus about the safety of genetically engineered foods in the scientific community.

But bureaucrats at the FDA ignored the scientists warnings and allowed GM food crops onto the market.

Dr. Maryanski also admitted that the approval of GMOs was based on politics, not science. He said that the determination whether a new protein is safe can be made by the company.

In other words, the FDA- the agency so many nave Americans think is here to protect us- allowed food companies to determine the safety of GM food.

But one of Monsantos own executives said at the time that Monsanto should NOT have to vouch the safety of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible.

Dr. Philip Regal, a professor at the University of Minnesota and an internationally recognized plant expert once stated: Over the last fifteen years, I and other scientists have put the FDA on notice about the potential dangers of genetically engineered foods.

According to Andrew Kimbrell, who at the time was Executive Director of the International Center for Technology Assessment, by failing to require testing and labeling of genetically engineered foods, the FDA has made consumers unknowing guinea pigs for potentially harmful food substances.

And a report by eight renowned international experts concluded that agricultural GM companies and evaluation committees systematically overlook the side effects of GMOs and pesticides.

The study also says they greatly underestimate the initial signs of diseases like cancer and diseases of the hormonal, immune, nervous and reproductive systems, among others.

And it gets worse thefood industrys control goes well beyond the government. So let me show you exactly how

It Keeps the American Public in the Dark

Big food companies provide funding to most food research, conferences, and fellowships.

This private funding certainly seems to affect the way professors and scientists think, act, and publish.

Researchers have a huge incentive to write only good things about GM crops, otherwise they may lose funding or even worse, their jobs.

A study from Food and Water Watch concluded that this corporate funding taints the independence and objectivity of agricultural research.

These companies have also been systematically blocking researchers from using its patented gene modified seeds.

According to Doug Sherman of the Union of Concerned Scientists, multibillion-dollar agricultural corporations, including Monsanto and Syngenta, have often refused to provide independent scientists with seeds, or theyve set restrictive conditions that severely limit research options.

26 researchers from different universities even wrote a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency protesting restricted access to seeds. The letter states that no truly independent research can be legally conducted on many critical questions involving these crops. The biotech industry is completely driving the bus.

The magazine Scientific American has also reported that only studies that the seed companies have approved ever see the light of a peer-reviewed journal. In a number of cases, experiments that had the implicit go-ahead from the seed company were later blocked from publication because the results were not good.

In order words, these companies basically choose who gets to do research and what topics are studied and published.

They also try to destroy the reputation and careers of any scientists who stand in their way.

Perhaps, biologist Arpad Pusztai is the best example. He had more than 300 articles and 12 books to his credit and was the worlds top expert in his field.

In the 1990s, he conducted a study that showed that rats that ate GM potatoes developed potentially pre-cancerous cell growth, smaller brains and testicles, partially atrophied livers, and damaged immune systems.

After his shocking discovery, he decided to reveal his findings on national TV.

Two days later he was fired and silenced with threats of a lawsuit. His team was dismantled. And the government, with the help of big corporations, launched a smear campaign to destroy his reputation.

Many other scientists have been threatened and fired from their jobs as well.

Thats why University of California at Berkeley professor Ignacio Chapela says that its very hard for us to publish in this field. People are scared.

Thats a big reason why most Americans have no idea how dangerous GM foods are.

We Dont Even Have the Right to
Know Whats In Our Food

For years, polls have shown that about 93% of Americans support the labeling of foods that contain genetically modified organisms.

But the biotech industry, with the help of the FDA, has decided that we don’t need to know when there are potentially harmful ingredients in our food. So, GM foods are not required to carry identifying labels.

We are being denied the fundamental right to know what’s in our food – a right that more than 50 other nations, including China and Russia, offer their citizens.

Its estimated that 70% of processed foods contains genetically modified organisms. But because of the lack of labels, Americans have no clue.

By keeping us completely in the dark, these GMO companies are essentially controlling our diet.

As a result, millions of American infants, children and adults are unknowingly consuming potentially dangerous food products each day. But

You and Your Family
Dont Have to Be Victims

Therere a surprising number of simple things you can do to avoid the dangers of our corrupt food system.

And, after hundreds of hours of research, my staff compiled the best of the best ACTIONABLE solutions into a book called Non-GMO Guide: Food Secrets for a Long and Healthy Life.

You see, Im the director of a fast-growing organization called the Laissez Faire Letter.

Laissez Faire is a French term. It simply means let it be, or leave it alone.

As in

Leave our food alone as nature intended it.

Leave our banking and financial systems alone so theyre not manipulated.

Leave our computers alone and dont spy on us.

And generally to leave us alone to live free lives where were able to make our own choices.

Our latest mission is publishing the just released version of Non-GMO Guide: Food Secrets for a Long and Healthy Life.

But heres the thing

This specific book isnt for sale.

Not anywhere in the world. And not for any price.

But I believe the truth about the dangers of our food supply is so important that Ive made this information available to you.

So, today, through this message only, I would like to send you this lifesaving information at no cost whatsoever.

Thats right this book is completely FREE, as my gift to you. You wont even pay shipping and handling.

In a moment, Ill explain how to claim your copy at my expense

But first, I want to show you a few steps you should start taking right away.

Remember the longer you eat these dangerous foods, the higher the risk they could damage your health.

And the good thing isthese moves are easy and fairly straightforward to implement.

So here are the specific steps you should take…

Step #1: Never Eat These 10 Foods

As I showed you in this presentation, there are dangers lurking at every single corner at your grocery store.

In fact, some of these foods are so dangerous that they have been banned in other countries.

I already told you about milk from cows treated with rBST, a hormone that has been linked to cancer.

It has been banned in more than 30 countries. But its legal in the U.S.

And remember, dairy products, like cheese and yogurt, can also come from cows injected with this dangerous bovine growth hormone.

So, if your milk is not labeled Organic, or Non-GMO Project Verified, you should look for labels stating No rBST or artificial hormones.

But rBST milk is just the tip of the iceberg. Ive compiled a list of 10 foods you should never eat. Youll find all the details in chapter 4 of your free book Non-GMO Guide: Food Secrets for a Long and Healthy Life.

For example, Ill tell you about:

A dangerous chemical that has already poisoned 1,700 people. For that reason, its banned in 160 countries. But youll find it in some types of meats in the US.
A synthetic chemical that can cause skin rashes, acne, loss of appetite, fatigue, and cardiac arrhythmias. Its banned in Europe and Japan, but in the US youll find it in several popular drinks sold at your grocery store.
Three popular kids foods to never feed your children and grandchildren. They contain substances that have been linked to cancer and behavioral problems.
A chemical that has been linked to kidney and nervous system damage, thyroid problems, and cancer. Its banned in Canada, China and the European Union but in the US its a hidden ingredient in some types of breads.
A substance that has been banned in the UK and Canadabut its in many fat-free products in the US. Its so dangerous that Time magazine called it one of the worst 50 inventions ever.
The one fruit thats banned across the European Union, but legal in the US. It could be in your fridge right now, waiting for you to take the next bite.
A dangerous type of fish that can potentially damage your eyesight. Its banned in Australia and New Zealand, but very popular in the U.S.
And much, much more.
And thats just one chapter. The book is full of food secrets like these secrets that could help you live a healthier, longer life, regardless of what the FDA is doing.

In a moment, I will show you how to claim your FREE book. First, I want to move on to another solution thats easy for you to implement

Step #2: Avoid These Five Poisons
Approved by the FDA

As you can probably tell by now, the FDA has failed terribly at protecting consumers from dangerous foods.

Even the own agency admitted that it does not have the capacity to ensure the safety of food for the nation. And many FDA employees have stated that the agency actively harms public health in order to protect corporate interests.

In the most recent scandal, the FDA has admitted that chicken meat sold in the USA contains arsenic, a cancer-causing toxic chemical thats fatal in high doses.

So, GMOs are not the only problems in our food supply.

The truth is the FDA permits the use of several chemicals that have been linked to cancer, heart disease and other health problems.

For example, sodium nitrate is a chemical thats added to food to help preserve it. You will find it in processed meats such as bacon, ham, corned beef, hot dogs, and much more.

But its a toxin that can be damaging to your health.

According to the American Medical Association, a diet high in sodium nitrites may lead to fatal respiratory problems, and gastrointestinal and brain cancer.

So, make sure you restrict your intake of foods that carry this toxin.

But thats not the only dangerous chemical the FDA has allowed to creep into our food.

Besides sodium nitrate, Ive identified four other dangerous secret ingredients you should watch out for. Make sure they dont make it into your grocery cart.

Youll find all the details in chapter 5 of your personal copy of Non-GMO Guide: Food Secrets for a Long and Healthy Life. Ill tell you about:

An ingredient thats used in food as a flavor enhancer but that has been strongly linked to nerve damage, brain cancer, and obesity. Its very common in soups, salad dressings and chips.
A substance that has been added to food to increase shelf life but that could lead to high blood pressure and diabetes. Simply cut this from your diet, and your heart may tick away reliably for decades to come.
Two artificial sweeteners that could cause optic nerve damage, brain damage, and increase your chances of getting lymphoma. Make sure you never use them.
And much more
As you can see, there are a lot of scary things lurking in our food supply.

But with this list, all you have to do is check the ingredient labels on the foods you buy and make sure they dont have these dangerous substances.

Simply avoiding these 5 ingredients could help protect you and your loved ones from diseases such as cancer, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

All this information will be yours, free of charge, once you claim your book. Ill tell you how to do that in a minute. First, theres another step you should take

Step #3: Use These 10 Natural Ways to
Reduce Inflammation

As I showed you in this presentation, inflammation has been liked to coronary artery disease, arthritis, cancer and other chronic illnesses.

So Ive dedicated a chapter in the book to show you simple ways to reduce inflammation in your body, without the side-effects that come with drugs.

For example, did you know that whole grains, as opposed to white bread, cereal, rice, and pasta, can help keep harmful inflammation under control?

But its not just any product labeled whole grain. In order to get the benefits, the food must list whole grain as the first ingredient, and cannot have added sugars.

In the book, you will also discover

A natural substance that minimizes chronic inflammation and helps curb stiffness and joint pain. Add this to your diet, and you may finally be able to move with the grace and freedom of youth. Its also affordable and available at your local pharmacy.
How to brew, at the comfort of your home, a tea that could reduce inflammation and add years to your lifespan. This anti-aging drink is popular in Okinawa, a Japanese island with the world’s longest average life span.
A natural supplement that will not only supercharge your immune system, but also increase your daily energy up to 10%. This could even make you feel 10 years younger.
A unique enzyme that breaks down the byproducts of inflammation, promoting cellular repair.
Five foods that, when consumed in excess, can lead to chronic inflammation.
A cleansing liquid that flushes out toxins and reduces inflammation in your body.
28 superfoods that are anti-inflammatory. Just start adding a few of these nutritional powerhouses to your daily diet, and you may be able to stay out of the doctors office for good!
All this information will help you live a GMO-Free life. And with all the food secrets we reveal in this book, you will be able to

Opt Out of This Experiment
And Take Back Your Health

So far, I have showed you evidences from world renowned scientists, veterinarians, physicians, farmers and even former policy makers.

Together, they make one heck of a convincing case against genetically modified foods and the biotech invasion into the food industry.

But despite all the evidence and the growing concerns of genetically engineered crops, government officials continue to rubber stamp their approval.

In other words, you shouldnt expect anyone in the government to ensure the safety of your food

Because our food supply is under control of cronies giant food corporations that dominate food and farm policy at the White House, USDA, FDA, and EPA.

And all they care about is making money. They don not give a damn about your health.

That is why I would like to send you a FREE copy of the book Non-GMO Guide: Food Secrets for a Long and Healthy Life.

In this book, we will show you everything you need to know to take back your health simply by making smarter choices about your food.

No hidden allergens, no cancer-causing hormones, no weird-science DNA. Just good, healthy food.

For example, Ill tell you about

The worst thing you can possibly buy at the grocery store. Most people think its healthy. But unless you buy organic, theres a 99% chance its contaminated with pesticides toxins that have been linked to birth defects, nerve damage, cancer, Parkinsons’ disease, autism, and diabetes.
66 brands of cereals and breakfast bars that have been verified to be GMO-free.
A hidden ingredient that can essentially program your brain cells to kill themselves. Its in more than 6,000 grocery store items, including everything from soup mixes to sodas to chewing gum. Make sure this is not listed in the labels of the products you buy.
A super type of food that, according to Engaged Health Solutions, has 31% lower levels of pesticides, fewer food-borne pathogens and more phenols, a substance believed to help fight cancer.
The one produce that has more pesticides by weight than any other food. Its one of the main staples of the standard American diet.
15 fruits and vegetables that are normally clean from pesticides.
A simple stamp that guarantees the safety of your food. Nearly 6,000 products already carry this safety stamp.
The only cooking oil that is not genetically modified. It has the power to boost your immune system, lower your cholesterol, prevent strokes, slow down the aging of your heart, fight osteoporosis, and protect you against depression and cancer.
48 brands of breads and bakery items that have been verified to be GMO-free.
An easy way to find out if sugar that is listed as an ingredient comes from genetically modified sugar beets.
A sweetener that is derived from genetically modified microorganism. Its found in soft drinks, gum, candy, desserts, yogurt, and some pharmaceuticals such as vitamins and sugar-free cough drops. It has been reported to cause migraines, nausea, depression, fatigue, tachycardia, insomnia, hearing loss, memory loss, and joint pain.
97 invisible GM ingredients. These are hiding in many processed foods. Look for these in the labels next time you buy a packaged food.
12 dirtiest produce items to avoid. These constantly test positive for pesticides.
5 brands of baby formula that contain genetically modified soy and 9 brands that have one or more baby products that have been verified to be GMO-free.
The best way to satisfy any sweet cravings.
And much more, all explained in clear, easy to understand language.
We will happily send it to you right now, absolutely FREE. All we ask in return is that you RSVP at the end of this report to give our monthly publication, Natural Health Solutions, a risk-free try.

Start Living a Healthier Life Today

As I showed you today, our food system is broken. Corruption is everywhere.

From government agencies to big agricultural and food companies to research institutes to Congress.

They will lie and tell you something is good for you as long as it helps corporations make a fortune and keep government officials in office.

As a result, people are getting a tremendous amount of bad information about basic health information that could be leading to heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Look, these days its extremely easy to find health information online.

The problem is a lot of it comes with an agenda.

But the truth is out there. And our goal is to find it.

That is why we created Brad Lemley’s Natural Health Solutions.

were 100% independent.

We receive no money from big pharma, big food, big agriculture or the government.

We have no hidden interests or secret agendas.

We only serve our readers. Naturally, the only way for us to grow is to give you information that will actually help you live a long, healthy life.

Which is why we only write about heath tricks that are grounded in rock-solid evidence.

Sometimes our ideas go against the mainstream media. And sometimes theyre downright controversial.

But they are always backed by solid scientific data.

I recommend you switch to Almond or Coconut milk instead of cow’s milk despite hyped commercials.

Should you already have a cold, I would suggest you keep doing everything in your power to boost your immune system and here are some things you should add to your daily regime to help fight the cold: Garlic anti-viral, antibiotic, and antiseptic. Onion raw onion keeps the respiratory tract open. Ginger antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. Sage carminative, antiseptic, and astringent. (Note: Sage should not be used when pregnant or breast feeding.) Thyme antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral, expectorant, and astringent. Cayenne powder anti-microbial, analgesic, carminative, diaphoretic, and expectorant. Honey local unpasteurized honey is an antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic. (Do not give honey to children under 1 year old.) Mullein expectorant will help to break up mucous. A tea made with fresh ginger, fresh garlic, red cayenne powder, lemon and honey is a powerful cold-fighting tea.

Intensely aromatic and flavorful, garlic is used in virtually every cuisine in the world. When eaten raw, it has a powerful, pungent flavor to match the truly mighty garlic benefits. Garlic is particularly high in certain sulfur compounds that are believed to be responsible for its scent and taste, as well as its very positive effects on human health. Garlic benefits rank only second to turmeric benefits in the amount of research backing this superfood. At the time of this articles publication, there were more than 5,100 peer-reviewed articles that evaluated garlic ability to prevent and improve a wide spectrum of diseases.

If you’re aiming for healthy cholesterol levels, you’re probably avoiding foods like eggs and butter. But research suggests those once banned foods are safe to eat again as they won’t harm your cholesterol numbers.

Onions Offer a Unique Set of Nutrients for Health
Some of the most potent vitamins and minerals contained in onions include vitamin C, pantothenic acid and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which helps augment levels of the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the brain, assure a good nights sleep and combat depression and anxiety. They also provide quite a lot of fiber.

Iron, folate, thiamin and potassium are additional minerals. Along with the vitamin C, manganese helps fight colds and flu because it also strongly discourages inflammation. But several valuable antioxidant compounds in onions, including flavonoids, polyphenols and quercetin, help enhance your health.

Research shows that the same compounds that initiate the tears allium and allyl disulphide change to allicin when they’re cut or chopped and have the ability to fight diabetes and cancer, specifically stomach and ovarian cancers.3 This is significant, as other serious diseases and disorders, most being related, are also positively impacted, according to Nutrition and You,4 including:

High blood pressure
Platelet clot formation
Coronary artery disease
Peripheral vascular diseases
Being antidiabetic, anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory, onions and the compounds they hold:

Have been used in ancient traditional medical treatments for millennia
Help optimize cholesterol production by inhibiting the HMG-CoAreductase enzyme in liver cells
Exert antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity
Inhibit atherosclerosis by reducing stiffness in your blood vessels
Help decrease in overall risk of coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular diseases
Something about the compounds in onions that can bring about healing also brings about tears, but the tears are for protection, Medical News Today explains: “The chemical at the heart of our discomfort is called propanethial S-oxide, which is also known as lachrymatory factor (LF). The technical term for our tear glands is ‘lacrimal glands,’ and LF is a chemical that causes tears.

The 3 reasons you should NEVER eat wheat — Yes, even “whole wheat”

There are 3 main reasons why wheat is a terrible food for your body and does more harm than good…

Reason #1 — Wheat causes blood sugar disruption, Glycation of your cells, increases AGING, weight gain & boosts Diabetes risk

Before I tell you why wheat can actually speed up the aging process in your body, let’s clarify some simple biochemistry in your body…

This deals with “glycation” in your body, and substances called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs). These nasty little compounds called AGEs speed up the aging process in your body including damage over time to your organs, your joints, and of course, wrinkled skin.

So with that said, what is one of the biggest factors that increase production of AGEs inside your body?

This may surprise you, but high blood sugar levels over time dramatically increase age-accelerating AGEs in your body.

This is why type 2 diabetics many times appear that they have not aged well and look older than their real age. But this age-increasing effect is NOT just limited to diabetics.

So, let’s get back to how “whole wheat” relates to this…

Here is a little-known fact that’s often covered up by the massive marketing campaigns by giant food companies that want you to believe that “whole wheat” is healthy for you…

… But the fact is that wheat contains a very unusual type of carbohydrate (not found in other foods) called Amylopectin-A, which has been found in some tests to spike your blood sugar HIGHER than even pure table sugar.

In fact, amylopectin-A (from wheat) raises your blood sugar MORE than almost any other carbohydrate source on earth based on blood sugar response testing that’s documented in studies.

This means that wheat-based foods such as breads, bagels, cereals, muffins, and other baked goods often cause MUCH higher blood sugar levels than most other carbohydrate sources.

If you don’t believe me, here’s something you should know… I ran personal blood sugar tests on myself using a blood glucometer about 45 minutes after eating 2 slices of wheat bread vs eating a bowl of oatmeal, with equivalent grams of carbohydrates.

The blood sugar test results of wheat vs oatmeal:

2 slices of whole wheat toast:
45 minutes after consumption: Blood sugar spiked from 86 fasting level to 155

1 Bowl of Oatmeal (equivalent grams of carbs to 2 slices wheat toast)
45 minutes after consumption: Blood sugar increased from 86 fasting level to 112

As you know now, the higher your average blood sugar levels are over time, the more AGEs are formed inside your body, which makes you age FASTER.

Clearly, the whole wheat spiked blood sugar MUCH higher than the oatmeal, and if you don’t know, 155 is a massive blood sugar reading that will certainly contribute to faster aging if you eat wheat frequently… and most people eat wheat without even thinking about it at almost EVERY meal…Yikes!

Not only that, but the high blood sugar spikes caused by wheat also makes your body pump out more insulin which makes you pack on more body fat… Not fun at all!

These massive blood sugar spikes from eating wheat daily also cause damage over time to your blood sugar regulation system, harming your pancreas, causing insulin resistance, and eventually causing type 2 Diabetes. I think we have a strong case against eating so-called “healthy” wheat!

Reason #2 — Gluten and other gut-damaging compounds

The topic of gluten is on fire in the media lately…

…But most people are confused as to whether there’s any real health risks with gluten for the average person that doesn’t have Celiac disease.

The truth is that even if you are not officially “gluten intolerant” or “gluten sensitive”, there are hundreds of published studies that indicate that gluten can cause inflammation in your digestive system, and even cause “permeability” in your gut, which can lead to a health condition that’s on the rise lately called Leaky Gut, as well as other digestive issues and autoimmune problems.

Scientists theorize that the reason gluten is causing these digestive system problems is due to the excessive hybridization of wheat over the last 50 years, which has created newly modified gluten molecules that are foreign to the human digestive system compared to the ancient wheat that humans ate for several thousand years historically, and even compared to the wheat that your grandparents ate 50+ years ago.

Reason #3 — Antinutrients and mineral blockers in wheat

The third reason that wheat is terrible for you is that it contains what’s called “antinutrients”, which are naturally occurring compounds in the wheat plant, but can cause undesirable effects in humans that eat too much of them.

One of these antinutrients is called phytates, which blocks the absorption in your body of certain minerals like zinc, iron, manganese, and calcium if you eat wheat too often.

Again, most people eat wheat with almost every meal (cereal in the morning, bread on sandwich at lunch, and pasta or bread at dinner), so this can cause a mineral deficiency in your body over time that leads to many health conditions.

Wheat has other mineral blockers and antinutrients aside from phytates, such as lectins. Lectins are another constituent of wheat that causes gut irritation. Yet another reason to minimize or eliminate wheat from your diet.

There’s absolutely nothing “essential” about wheat in the human diet…It simply does more harm than good…period.

Many people often ask me… “But what about the FIBER in wheat? I thought that’s why it’s supposed to be healthy?”

Sorry, you can get ALL of the fiber you need from fruits, veggies, and nuts, without the digestive system damage and massive blood sugar issues that are caused by wheat.

Note: It’s important to keep reading this page because I’ll show you how to get access to ALL of my best secrets for AVOIDING wheat, but still eating amazingly delicious meals that BOOST your metabolism, BALANCE your hormones, FIGHT diabetes, and also help reduce abdominal fat. It’s easier than you think, so don’t think that eating healthy has to be “boring” like so many people foolishly believe.

The 3 reasons you should NEVER use Vegetable Oils…

Although vegetable oil has a healthy sounding name, it’s NOT made from vegetables…As you might already know, vegetable oil actually comes from any combination of corn oil, soybean oil, canola oil, safflower oil, and/or cottonseed oil, ALL of which are absolutely terrible for your health.

In fact, they are downright deadly, and I’m not exaggerating. Here’s why…

Reason #1 — Vegetable oils usually contain deadly trans fats, even if non-hydrogenated

You already KNOW that trans fats are deadly, so I won’t go into all of the science as to why trans fats kill you and DAMAGE your cell membranes in your body…leading to all sorts of scary health problems like cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and more.

Knowing these facts, I’m sure you already know to stay away from foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. You’ve heard that a million times before.

However, what you probably DON’T know is that even non-hydrogenated vegetable oils (all vegetable oils are refined) also contain some trans fats due to the extremely high heat, solvents, and pressure they are exposed to during the refining process. And yes, this includes so-called “expeller pressed” vegetable oils as well.

All of this high heat and high pressure processing along with the use of hexane solvents actually forces some of the polyunsaturated content of vegetable oils (yes, even so-called “healthy” canola oil) to be transformed into trans fats and something even worse that we’ll talk about in a minute called “MegaTrans”.

According to Dr. Mary Enig, PhD, and Nutritional Biochemist, “Although the Canadian government lists the trans fat content of canola at a minimal 0.2 percent, research at the University of Florida at Gainesville, found trans fat levels as high as 4.6 percent in commercial liquid canola oil”.

And this is the garbage that the government and giant food conglomerates are marketing to you as a “healthy oil”! Don’t fall for it.

Reason #2 — Vegetable oils contain oxidized “mutated fats” that are worse than trans fat & CAUSE heart attacks

All vegetable oils contain oxidized fats due to the refining process and chemical reactions with the polyunsaturated fat content of vegetable oils.

Expert Nutrition author, Catherine Shanahan, MD, calls the fats in vegetable oils “MegaTrans”, because they are similar in chemistry to trans fats, but even WORSE.

And MegaTrans from vegetable oils are found in almost ALL processed packaged foods, as well as virtually ALL restaurant fryers.

French Fries proven to immediately harm your arteries after eating them:

Free radicals formed during the refining of vegetable oils create these “mutant” fats, which damage your cell membranes & chromosomes, and create massive inflammation in your body.

The free radicals in vegetable oils also damage your arteries, which can directly lead to a heart attack. Please be aware that this isn’t just a long-term risk of eating vegetable oils daily.

There are also studies that show immediate dysfunction in your arteries, also called endothelial function.

Catherine Shanahan, MD, cites in her book Deep Nutrition a study from New Zealand that showed that subjects who ate french fries from a restaurant fryer displayed immediate harm to their endothelial function of their arteries, going from a normal 7% dilation before eating the french fries to almost NO dilation at all (only 1%) AFTER eating the french fries. This is one thing that can cause a heart attack.

If you think I’m exaggerating, think again…

Dr Shanahan also surveyed hundreds of patients that were admitted to the hospital for a heart attack, and discovered that every single patient that just had a heart attack had consumed foods made with vegetable oils with their last meal before the heart attack…Scary huh!

Think about THAT next time you order the fries with that sandwich on the menu! It really is THAT serious.

Always ask to replace french fries that come with most meals with side veggies, fruit, or a salad instead. That may very well be the difference between dying tomorrow or enjoying many more years on this beautiful planet.

Reason #3 — Vegetable oils cause massive imbalances with your Omega-6 to Omega-3 fats ratio

One of the other MAJOR reasons that vegetable oils are killing you is they are mostly made up of inflammatory omega-6 fats, while having very little anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats.

The healthiest ratio from the scientific literature appears to be a ratio of 2:1 or even 1:1 for your omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. However, most vegetable oils skew your ratio as high as 20:1 or even 30:1 in favor of harmful inflammatory omega-6 fats.

And worse yet, these omega-6 fats are NOT the innocent type found in nuts, they are the “mutant” damaged MegaTrans type that harm the tissues of your body.

This Omega fat imbalance can be YET another reason why vegetable oils lead to heart disease, cancer, obesity, and many other degenerative diseases that WILL shorten your life significantly if you don’t cut out the vegetable oils ASAP.

As a quick note, the solution to all of these major problems with vegetable oils is to use healthy oils like coconut oil, olive oil, macadamia oil, avocado oil, and grass-fed butter, all of which are MUCH healthier than vegetable oils and don’t cause any of the problems we’ve described in this section of the article.

The TRUTH about sugar… You can’t just “burn off” sugar…

You’ve heard a million times from health experts, bloggers, and on the news that sugar is terrible for you, but most people don’t truly understand WHY it’s so bad…

In fact, most people falsely think that if they eat sugar, they can just exercise a little bit harder that day or the next day so they can “burn it off”…

Unfortunately, that kind of thinking will lead you to an early grave.

It’s not as simple as just “burning off sugar”…

It’s about what sugar does internally to the cells of your body, and how sugar gums up your internal workings, causing disease.

Once again, I’m not exaggerating here, so pay close attention…

If you knew exactly why sugar is so bad for you and exactly what it does to your cells in your body, I promise that you would think twice about eating that piece of cake, candy, sugary soft drink, fruit juice, or ice cream, or feeding them to your children.

Here are just a few of the reasons that sugar is killing you…

Just like we talked about above with wheat, sugar also causes extreme fluctuations in your blood sugar, and excess blood sugar causes Glycation inside your body, which accelerates the rate of aging of your organs, skin, arteries, and joints.
Sugar also raises your triglycerides to dangerous levels, which can lead you to heart disease.
If that weren’t bad enough, eating sugar too frequently also causes type 2 diabetes in the long run because you wear out your pancreas and insulin sensitivity.
And if you need even MORE reasons why sugar will kill you, sugar also slows down your white blood cells, making infection more likely, and even allowing CANCER cells a better chance to form in your body.

Scary stuff huh!

Of course, you already know that sugar makes you fat, and gives you excess calories without any beneficial nutrients whatsoever.

To clarify, when we talk about how much damage sugar does to your body, we’re NOT talking about tiny amounts such as having 5 grams of sugar from a teaspoon of honey in your tea… Small amounts of natural sugar like that are not a problem.

The REAL damage occurs when you eat that piece of cake and ingest 40-50 grams of sugar in one sitting, or that bag of candy with 35+ grams of sugar, or that soft drink with 45 grams of sugar or more…

Or even that so-called “healthy” smoothie at the local smoothie shop that contains a whopping 80 grams of sugar because of all of the fruit syrups they use in them.

Now that you know why sugar, wheat, and vegetable oils are killing you and your family, maybe you’ll think twice about eating cereals, breads, bagels, muffins, candy, and processed foods or fried foods from restaurants that are cooked in vegetable oil.

Here are some examples of foods below that you might be eating and didn’t even realize they are making you fatter, and making your fat cells “sick”…

So-Called “Health Foods” That Are Causing You to GAIN More Body Fat?

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked into the kitchen of a client of mine that has hired me for nutritional counseling, and I’m shocked by what I see…

Almost every time, I see their kitchen cabinets and fridge LOADED with foods that they think are “healthy” (or have been deceived by clever food labels into believing are healthy), but in reality are fat-storing traps in disguise.

It’s not uncommon to see foods such as:

whole grain breads
whole grain cereals
whole grain crackers (more of that wheat that’s killing you)
soy milk
tofu or “veggie burgers” (non-fermented soy can be harmful to your hormones)
orange juice (loaded with too much fructose that raises your triglycerides)
apple juice
skim milk or homogenized milk
margarine (deadly trans fat or even “MegaTrans”)
pre-packaged “diet” dinners
sport drinks
protein bars (most are candy bars in disguise!)
overly processed meal replacements (with more junk than healthy ingredients)
rice cakes (massive blood sugar spike)
pasta (more wheat to age you faster)
diet ice cream or diet desserts
so-called “energy” drinks
low-fat foods (usually replaces fat with more sugar)
low-carb processed foods
soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil
etc, etc

I see this trend over and over again with almost every client when I first inspect their cabinets and the foods that they were buying that they thought were healthy.

What they don’t realize is that it’s these exact foods that are sabotaging their fat loss efforts, increasing their cravings, and throwing their hormones out of whack..

Here’s Your Simple Fat Loss Solution…

So how do you repair your damaged digestive system and start melting away your embarrassing belly fat, while also increasing your energy, & fighting joint pain?

The simplest way is to get rid of the foods you now KNOW are damaging your system.

Second, add fermentable fibers to your diet, which are also called prebiotics (sweet potato, yam, yucca, etc.) and eat a lot of fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, and certain types of yogurt (but most yogurts found in your grocery store are simply milk with sugar and are NOT healthy) You can also supplement with probiotics, but make sure to start slow and build up.

Third, better manage your stress through better sleep patterns, exercise, and breathing techniques. Stress is known to damage your gut, so the better you handle it, the healthier your gut will be.

The Fat Burning Kitchen ProgramFourth, start adding Turmeric to your diet, either with supplements or sprinkling the spice on your food. Turmeric aids your liver in flushing out the toxic substances that have been building there due to your damaged gut. It also fights dangerous inflammation

But, most importantly, you should get rid of those health foods causing you all those problems, and start consuming the ACTUAL foods that help you BURN stubborn belly fat, fix your hormones, fight against Diabetes, and help you look and feel YEARS younger

Which is why I’ve teamed up with expert nutrition researcher, Catherine Ebeling, and we’ve co-authored this new program for you, that you can get shipped to directly to you FREE:

The Fat Burning Kitchen

Your 24-Hour Diet Transformation to Make Your Body a Fat-Burning Machine

Inside this brand new FREE book, you’ll discover:

The true secret to making calorie-counting obsolete… this is the same principle that will automatically eliminate your cravings and control your appetite permanently (it’s the same reason that I personally haven’t had a real “craving” in at least 7 years) — pg 1-2
The truth about polyunsaturated fats (omega-6’s and omega-3’s) that most food companies don’t want you to know — pg.18
Which protein bars or energy bars are actually candy bars in disguise and which bars are actually good for you — pg.50
The real deal on saturated fat and cholesterol, and why they are essential in your diet — pg.59 (Without enough saturated fats and cholesterol in your diet, you can actually HARM your hormone balance)
The “whole grain” deception and why whole grain crackers, breads, and cereals are packing more bodyfat on you — pg.9
Why that skim milk may not be so good for you after all, and the dirty truth about homogenized milk too — pg.29
The one time when tilapia and salmon are NOT health foods (plus the best alternatives) — pg.36
A healthy fat-burning burger option? Yes — pg.60
Why soymilk, tofu, and veggie burgers could be increasing your belly fat — pg.41
Are sports drinks stifling your fat-burning and making you AGE faster? — pg.46
The ONLY truly healthy options for sweeteners… even non-caloric sweeteners — pg.83
A surprisingly healthy fat in some animal products that actually helps you burn fat & build muscle (it even helps to fight cancer) — pg.60
Why egg whites are actually WORSE for you than whole eggs — pg.65
Do diet sodas and other diet drinks hurt your fat loss efforts? — pg.22
Is whole milk actually better for you than skim milk? There’s more to the story — pg.67
A type of saturated fat that actually helps to stimulate your metabolism — pg. 112
The one time when delicious creamy chocolate can even help to prevent your sweet tooth cravings (It even helps improve your blood pressure too!) — pg.88
Does green tea or oolong tea really increase your metabolism and help fat loss? The truth — pg.90
Which fruits & veggies are okay to choose non-organic — pg.94
…and TONS more secrets to help you permanently transform your diet to force your body to burn fat more effectively, while also preventing diabetes.
Did you know…

One of your body’s main fat-burning hormones DECREASES when you go on a diet?

Research has shown that this important hormone drops by as much as 50% after just 7 days of dieting!

The worst part is, the longer you try to diet, the worse it gets, which is why many “serial dieters” constantly struggle to keep the weight off (if they lose it at all…)

The good news is we’re going to share the nutrition tricks to INCREASE your body’s natural fat-burning hormones safely and naturally!

Whatever your age, you can get back the strength
to do the things you love doing

I’ll tell you all about it in just a moment, but first, it’s important to know why you’re losing strength in the first place.

The answer is muscle loss. Or what the medical world calls sarcopenia.

If you haven’t heard much talk of sarcopenia before, it’s likely you will soon.

In fact, the president of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics recently told the New York Times, “In the future, sarcopenia will be known as much as osteoporosis is now.”

If you ask me, every person over 65 years should protect against muscle loss.

Muscle loss affects more than just your physical strength.

Let me explain.

Once you start noticing the little loss of strength, more than your muscles, it starts affecting your mind.

You begin to doubt your ability to do things which you ordinarily wouldn’t hesitate to do. And you start depending on others to them.

You lose your independence!

Did you know that muscle loss is one of the biggest reasons for falls and fractures in the elderly?

That’s right! But the funny thing is, it works the other way too. You see, the fear of falling makes people avoid some of their regular activities.

As the activities decrease and the muscles are less used, they become weaker.

As you can see, it’s a vicious cycle. And it has to be stopped. The good news is…

Scientists have discovered an herb that helps tone your
aging muscles and makes them strong again

But before I tell you all about this herb, let’s take a quick look at why you get age-related muscle loss. The most important reasons for muscle loss in seniors are:

Disuse Atrophy
Vitamin D deficiency
Hormonal Imbalance
Dietary protein deficiency
Other Nutritional Imbalances
Oxidative stress
Disuse Atrophy: One of the biggest reasons for your muscle loss is lack of use. Or what the medical community calls disuse atrophy.

When you were young, you were busy with your work, your play, and your other activities like dancing, running up and down stairs and even just hanging around with friends.

The combination of work, play, and fitness kept your muscles well used, and in good shape.

Then somewhere along the line, your priorities begin to change.

As a parent, you gave up your sport to take your kids to a game and cheer from the sidelines.

At work too, the younger people tend to get the more physical work.

And what with running between jobs, and scrambling to pay mortgage bills, and college tuition fees… going to a gym was the last thing on your mind.

And so, as your muscles were not being used as much as before, they slowly began the slide to their current weak state.

Your lifestyle also contributes to your muscle loss

These days everything is automated. Garage doors, stairs (escalators), screwdrivers, egg whisks, even tooth brushes. You don’t even have to dial a number on a phone.

As a result you hardly need to move a muscle to get anything done.

While you’ve become accustomed to convenience, your muscles have become a victim of all the convenience.

Slowly but steadily they start atrophying, or wasting away. And over time they become so weak, they are not strong enough to hold you up, let alone help avert a fall if you trip.

Of course disuse is not the only reason why your muscles have come to this sorry stage. Research has identified many other conditions that contribute to muscle loss. They include:

Vitamin D deficiency: While scientists have long known that vitamin D plays an important role in bone health, recent studies suggest that low vitamin D levels seen in older adults may also be associated with poor muscle function.

Hormonal Imbalance: There is evidence linking age-related hormonal changes to the loss of muscle mass and muscle strength. The production of many essential hormones in the body goes down with age. Especially tissue-building hormones such as growth hormone, Insulin, androgens, growth hormone, thyroid hormones, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), and testosterone.

Maintaining testosterone levels is important in women too. Although women produce less testosterone than men do, adequate testosterone is just as essential to their health and well-being

Dietary protein deficiency: Although it is generally believed that the average American consumes more protein than needed, older people tend to consume less protein.

Also, many older people find it difficult to digest and absorb protein.

This is sad, because the protein requirements for older adults are higher than for younger people.

Other nutritional imbalances: While taking in the right amount of protein is important for older adults, consuming too much protein, and less fruits and vegetables can cause diet-induced metabolic acidosis, or abnormally increased acidity in the body. This kind of metabolic acidosis is a big reason for muscle loss in the elderly.

Oxidative stress: Just like stress can play havoc with your body and mind, they can destroy muscles too. When you’re stressed, your adrenal glands release a hormone called cortisol. While cortisol has a role to play in body metabolism, it is very important to keep it in check. Too much cortisol can cause muscle melt down.

Inflammation: Muscle inflammation may be caused by an allergic reaction, exposure to a toxic substance or medicine, another disease such as cancer or rheumatic conditions, or a virus or other infectious agent.

Many chronic muscle inflammations have no known cause. They are thought to be autoimmune disorders, in which the body’s white blood cells attack the muscle fibers and weaken them. Most of them happen more often in elderly people.

Age-related chronic low-grade inflammation has been recognized as an important cause of muscle loss.

Being over 65 years myself, I know how difficult it is to protect against muscle loss.

One can exercise, eat a healthy diet, and even maintain proper nutritional balance, but it is almost impossible to avoid stress, inflammation, and hormonal changes.

What you need to do is…

Launch an all-round attack on
the various causes of muscle loss

And that’s where I come in.

Of course I cannot do this without your help.

As a doctor and researcher I can give you some of the best nutrients to help correct the nutritional imbalance, the hormonal imbalances and fight against the stress and the inflammation.

But these nutrients will work to their full potential only if you start moving those muscles. Make sure to consult with your healthcare practitioner before beginning or modifying your exercise regime.

Every step you take, every move you make, will go a long way in making your strength come back.

Together, we can help you regain and improve your muscle strength. More importantly, we can help you regain your confidence.

Is that a deal?


Talking of confidence, I want you to be completely confident of the nutrients and ingredients I’m going to recommend to you.

So the first thing I’m going to do is explain them to you in detail.

Once you see what these nutrients can do,
you’ll want the same results with your muscles

The main nutrient is an incredible herb that has proven muscle building capacities.

To be perfectly honest, people got to know of the muscle strengthening capabilities of this herb, quite by accident.

They were originally using it for improving sexual performance in men, but they soon realized it also boosted muscle strength in men.

When researchers analyzed the herb further, they found that it had an amazing affinity to the muscles. In both men and women.

23 habits for healthy vision

Eat berries and yogurt for breakfast: Berries, like blueberries, are high in antioxidants, which can fight off free radical damage.
Spread bilberry jam on toast: Another powerful berry that can help vision is bilberry, as they contain compounds found to protect vision.
Eat spinach throughout your week: On its own or mixed with other foods, spinach contains nutrients that your eyes need to stay sharp.
Swap yellow onions for red onions: Red onions have more eye-saving antioxidants than yellow onions.
Point car vents away from your eyes: Air blowing directly to your eyes can cause them to become dry. Furthermore, debris can fly into your eyes, causing irritation or even damage.
Keep your computer screen below eye level: This will allow your eyes to close slightly, which reduces moisture evaporation so your eyes don’t dry out.
Go for walks several times a week: Regular exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of eye pressure in glaucoma patients.
Eat fish twice a week: Eating fish has been found to reduce the risk of dry eyes syndrome. Both fresh and canned varieties of fish are beneficial against dry eyes syndrome.
Avoid junk food at least twice or week: Cutting back on junk food like chips and cookies can reduce your risk AMD.
Eat sweet potatoes: They are high in vitamins that can protect your vision.
Reduce the heat in your home: Heat dries out the air, which in turn dries out your eyes. Either turn the heat down or utilize a humidifier.
Wear sunglasses whenever you leave the house: Regardless of the temperature, sunglasses should always be worn whenever the sun is out to protect your eyes from harmful UV damage.
Wear a large-brimmed hat: For added protection, pair your sunglasses with a large brimmed hat.
Eat Southern greens: Similar to spinach, Southern greens contain antioxidants and vitamins to reduce the risk of AMD.
Eat beets: Beets contain compounds that protect smaller blood vessels in your body, even the ones in your eyes.
Use different salt, or use spices and herbs for seasoning: Consuming salt can raise blood pressure, which can hurt the blood vessels in your eyes.
Use essential oils on your arms: Using essential oils can increase beta waves in the brain, which promotes wakefulness and improve focus so that you can see things more clearly.
When working or reading, set an alarm every 30 minutes: Looking away from the book or computer screen every 30 minutes helps prevent eye fatigue.
Check your blood pressure monthly: As mentioned, high blood pressure can hurt your eyes, so make sure you are monitoring it regularly and doing what you can to reduce your numbers.
Replace your eye makeup every three months: Using a mascara or eyeliner for longer than three months increases the risk of infection as bacteria can enter your eye.
Always remove makeup before bed: Not removing eye makeup, like mascara, can increase the risk of infection or injury if the mascara scratches your cornea.
Always wear protective eyewear when working.
Use fresh towels when wiping your face: This can reduce the risk of infection.

If youre taking a prescription drug to lower your cholesterol, please be sure to read every word of this

Dan was a robust 74-year-old man who came to me because he was becoming so forgetful that he repeated himself in conversations. His doctor had diagnosed Dan with Alzheimers and prescribed a drug for it.

But Dan didnt have Alzheimers. After examining him, I determined that his memory problems were being caused by a drug his doctor prescribed to lower Dans cholesterol.

The drug, a member of the statin family, was destroying Dans memory and causing other problems with his health, as well.

I first sounded the alarm about this more than 10 years ago. So my Second Opinion readers who heeded my warnings about these cholesterol lowering drugs avoided Dans Alzheimers problem.

Dire New Warnings About These Drugs!

Now, the FDA has issued additional safety warnings about these drugs. So if youre taking any of them or know someone who is youll want to order this Special Report right away.

These drugs involved are: Lipitor Lescol Mevacor Altoprev Livalo Pravachol Crestor Zocor Advicor Simcor and Vytorin.

In my Report, I described the nasty new side effects they can cause many of which are quite serious, including full-blown dementia.

I also describe the details of Dans case in this Report but suffice it to say that all of his symptoms completely vanished when I discontinued the drug. A few months later, he was back to normal.

(As for Dans so-called heart disease problem, we fixed that too with the safe, natural treatment I also describe in this Special Report.)

Why These Statin Drugs Are Unnecessary

You see, I rarely use cholesterol-lowering drugs because I know cholesterol doesnt cause heart disease. Of course, this isnt what conventional medicine says.

Because it is strongly influenced by the pharmaceutical industry, conventional medicine includes cholesterol-lowering drugs as part of its standard treatment when cholesterol is elevated in a patient.

Any physician who fails to do so can be sued for malpractice. So Dans doctor was just covering his you-know-what.

But cholesterol is essential for proper brain function. So when its lowered with a drug, cognitive problems can result. The evidence for this has been known for a decade, when two clinical trials first identified the connection. (Youll read about both studies in this Report.)

Other Memory-Destroying Drugs to Beware of

And statins arent the only drugs that can mess with your brain or memory. My Report lists several other medications linked to cognitive problems. (God only knows how many people are suffering from memory loss and cognitive decline because of the medications their doctors are prescribing.)

Steve Jobs, CEO and maker of iPad, iPhone etc. died a billionaire and here are some of his last thoughts and words on his sick bed:

I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others eyes, my life is an epitome of success.

However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to.

At this moment, lying on a sick bed and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in, have paled and become meaningless in the face of impending death.

You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear the sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost health and life itself.

When a person goes into the operating room, he will realize that there is one book that he has yet to finish reading “Book of Healthy Life”.

Whichever stage in life we are at right now, with time, we will face the day when the curtain comes down.

Treasure love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.

As we grow older and hence wiser, we slowly realize that wearing a $300. or $30.00 watch – they both tell the same time!

Whether we carry a $300 or $30.00 wallet/handbag the amount of money inside is the same.

Whether we drink a bottle of $300 or $10 wine the hangover is the same.

Whether the house we live in is 300 or 3000 sq. ft loneliness is the same.You will realize your true inner; happiness does not come from the material things of this world.

Whether you fly first or economy class, if the plane goes down you go down with it.

And as the old saying goes, Ain’t seen an armored car following a hearse yet.

Therefore, I hope you realize, when you have mates, buddies and old friends, brothers and sisters, who you chat with, laugh with, talk with, have sing songs with, talk about north-south-east-west or heaven & earth, that is true happiness!

Five Undeniable Facts of Life:

1. Don’t educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be Happy. So when they grow up they will know the value of things not the price.

2. Best awarded words in London, “Eat your food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food.”

3. The One who loves you will never leave you for another because even if there are 100 reasons to give up he or she will find one reason to hold on.

4. There is a big difference between a human being and being human. Only a few really understand it.

5. You are loved when you are born. You will be loved when you die. In between, You have to manage!

NOTE: If you just want to Walk Fast, Walk Alone! But if you want to Walk Far, Walk Together!

SLEEP is Essential to boost Immune System & Reduce Stress.

L-Tryptophan: The best Natural Sleep Supplement;When you consume Tryptophan, your stomach breaks it down and produces these 3 compounds: Serotonin; Melatonin and Niacin (Vitamin B3).Serotonin is commonly known as the happy hormone because it makes us feel relaxed and relieves any feelings of anxiety. Melatonin is responsible for the feeling of sleepiness and relaxation. And it helps regulate your body natural sleep and wake cycles. Low levels of Serotonin and/or Melatonin are the most common cause of insomnia and sleep problems. The super-nutrient Tryptophan breaks down into Serotonin,Melatonin and Niacin. Flooding your body with all 3 natural sleep chemicals so you fall asleep FAST.You stay asleep through the night. And you do not wake up feeling like a zombie like you do with sleeping pills.

Six Best Doctors in the World.

1. Sunlight

2. Rest

3. Exercise

4. Diet

5. Self Confidence and

6. Friends

Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy healthy life. LIVE with Smiles, Affection And Love!

Its become downright alarming whats in your body.

Take glyphosate for example, the active ingredient in the worlds most widely used pesticide… Nearly one billion pounds of glyphosate are sprayed on food crops each year in the U.S., five billion total worldwide.

While genetically engineered (GE) crops are far more contaminated with glyphosate than other crops, this pervasive herbicide is currently used on over 120 non-genetically modified crops, such as conventional avocadoes, grapes, wheat, and oats.

And based on a recent analysis of over 1,200 urine samples, 76 percent of people have glyphosate in their system. Most people have no idea they have it in their bodies.

pesticide use glyphosate
Glyphosate is the most widely used pesticide
Add to that the heavy metals that deposit in your bones, gut, brain, kidneys, and tissues.

This includes mercury from dental fillings and fish, aluminum from cookware, cosmetics and antiperspirants, cadmium from cigarette smoke, arsenic from foods and fluoridated water, and lead from paint, toys, fuel, and more.

Once deposited, these toxic metals can block the functions of vital nutrients like zinc, calcium, and magnesium.

Glyphosate and heavy metals dont go away on their own They tend to stay put until you take action to help your body remove them.

Im excited to tell you about a special form of folate a crucial B vitamin thats now being recognized and used to help cleanse away these problematic substances.*

However, many people are getting the wrong form of this misunderstood nutrient thats so essential for helping to remove toxins, healthy cell growth and division. And by consuming this wrong form, you may actually be harming your body.*

Before I get into the details about why the right form of this vitamin matters so much, lets take a closer look at why you may need it in the first place

Your Natural Production of Folate Under Siege Blame It on Glyphosates Stealth Gut-Attacking Action
Heres whats so bad about glyphosate

Glyphosate slips itself into every cell of the plant, not just the surface where its applied. And it remains there. No matter how hard you try, you cant wash it or peel it away!

Grains, beans and legumes tend to have the highest levels of glyphosate contamination. Farmers spray the herbicide on the plants shortly before harvest to improve yield.

gut microbes produce folate
Glyphosate targets your important gut microbes that produce folate
Its also sprayed on fruits to make them last longer. And because its now in the water and the rain, its even being found in some USDA-Certified Organic crops!

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared glyphosate a probable carcinogen in March of 2015, and the state of California finally listed glyphosate as a carcinogen in July of 2017.

Some experts believe the harmful effects of glyphosate may be even worse than the pesticide DDT that was first used during World War II until it was finally banned in 1972.

So how can its manufacturer continue to make the claim that glyphosate isnt harmful?

They claim that the mechanism by which it kills weeds, called the shikimate pathway, doesnt exist in humans and animals.
However, this pathway is present in bacteria. And every cell in your body has its own microbes and all of them have the shikimate pathway and respond to glyphosate!

Glyphosate actually targets the microbes that produce folate lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, crippling your bodys natural folate levels!

And chronic exposure to glyphosate, even in very small amounts, can disrupt the delicate balance of your gut microbes, leading to GI inflammation and an impaired gut barrier.

Normally, your gut microbes supply your body with important amounts of folate. But if you have glyphosate in your system as 3 out of 4 people do your supply of folate may be at risk thanks to chronic exposure to one of the most potent anti-microbial agents in modern history.

Why Folic Acid Supplementation Isnt the Right Strategy
men and women need folate
Women – and men – of all ages need folate, not folic acid
Obviously you need to get enough folate, but Im going to make a very bold request of you

It may take you by surprise, as it is likely to be the opposite of the conventional medical advice.

However, youll soon see I have very good reason and scientific proof for making this request. In fact, its one that could have profound effects on your health.

Starting today I want you to avoid folic acid supplementation.

Now, you may be wondering, Isnt this nutrient essential for health?

Heres the thing your body needs folate, not folic acid. And no matter what anyone says, folic acid and folate are not interchangeable!

Folic acid is not the same thing as the folate you get from food. Whats more, folic acid combined with the glyphosate and heavy metals pervasive in our food supply may actually prevent you from getting the folate you need.

Folate is vital for your health. Your cells need it for healthy growth and division. Your entire body and your brain need it for proper functioning. And if you are a pregnant woman, your developing fetus especially needs folate.

So, please dont get me wrong While I want you to avoid folic acid, you must get enough folate every single day.

Why You May Be Overdosing on Folic Acid but Still Be Deficient in Folate
Today, even though it is still widely recommended by most conventional physicians, some experts believe Americans may be getting too much folic acid. How can that be?

Up to 40 percent of adults take supplements containing folic acid. And if you eat any processed foods that contain enriched flour, youre getting additional folic acid, whether you want it or not.

You may not recall, but a law was passed in the United States in 1998 that required all fortified flour products, including bread, cereal, flour, cornmeal, pasta, rice, and other grain products to contain 0.7 milligrams of folic acid per serving.

folic acid in bread products
Folic acid is one more reason to avoid bread and other grain products
Why was this made a law, you may be wondering? And why hasnt the European Union joined America in embracing this practice?

Back in the 90s, the incidence of spina bifida was increasing. Since this birth defect is related to folate, the U.S. government believed it had a deficiency problem on its hands.

They decided that adding the cheaper synthetic form of folate, folic acid, to foods that many people ate daily seemed like the obvious, cost-effective solution. So manufacturers started adding this synthetic form of folate to enriched flours.

However, remember the effects of glyphosate on your gut microbes that we talked about earlier? Certain genetically engineered foods have a similar effect

Certain genetically engineered foods, like GE corn have a similar detrimental effect on your gut microbes, and can impair the pathway that produces folate.

GE corn and soy had already been on the market for a few years when U.S. lawmakers passed this law!

So, if youre harming your gut microbes that naturally produce folate, how could you not be deficient in folate?

How to Tell If You Might Be Folate Deficient
folate deficiency risks
As you age, your risk of folate deficiency grows
What are some of the signs of a folate deficiency?

Weakness or lack of energy
Frequent illness
Changes in mood or irritability
Poor digestion, bloating
Confusion and forgetfulness
Premature graying of hair
Loss of appetite
Pale skin
Sore, red tongue and mouth
Occasional loose stools or constipation
Those are just the outwards signs of a folate deficiency. Inside, you need to absorb adequate folate to help keep your cells and organs healthy.

Besides the harm glycogen can do to your gut, aging is also associated with changes in your gastrointestinal tract that can affect your absorption of folate. And because of that, deficiencies of folate and vitamin B12 are more commonly seen in older individuals.

Studies show a link between low levels of folate and poor cognitive function and memory concerns. If you consume a lot of folic acid from fortified foods and supplements, you can actually mask the appearance of a vitamin B12 deficiency!

The Price Your Liver Pays When Youre Overloaded With Folic Acid
folic acid and liver
Your liver may need extra help if you consume a lot of folic acid
I think youll agree that its clear we need a good daily source of folate. But is supplementing with folic acid the best way to get it?

Imagine this scenario The average person may be taking a supplement with folic acid and eating folic acid-enriched foods. That can add up to a significant amount of man-made folic acid. What happens to all of it?

Folic acid must be converted to folate for your body to use it. But because folic acid is missing whats known as a methyl group, it must first get one from your liver before it can be converted.

So hows this related to ridding your body of harmful substances?

When you consume large amounts of folic acid from supplements and processed foods your liver can become overwhelmed. Through the process of supplying methyl groups to folic acid, your liver can deplete itself of these critical groups.

Your liver not only can lose its ability to reduce folic acid, this process can also use up its supply of glutathione, the powerhouse molecule thats essential for your bodys ability to clear out unwanted substances. Glutathione is needed to bind to and remove mercury and other heavy metals.

If the folic acid you consume cant get the methyl group from your liver, the folic acid accumulates in your blood.

So if your liver exhausts itself, you can lose on two counts compromise your bodys ability to cleanse itself of heavy metals and harmful substances, and be left with folic acid hanging out in your blood which is also not a good thing

Folic Acids Toxic Effects on Your Brain and Immune Function
Folic acid travels to your brain, and there, can block your brain folate receptors. It must be in the reduced, active 5-MTHF form to cross your blood brain barrier for cognitive benefits.

folic acid block brain from using folate
Folic acid can block your brain from using folate
If and when you finally do get the right form of folate to your brain, its useless because the folic acid is already there blocking it from working properly.

This blockage can lead to issues associated with low levels of folate in your brain and central nervous system.

While folate is vital for proper brain function and mental and emotional health, folic acid doesnt provide the same benefits and may even have toxic effects.*

A recent study of post-menopausal women taking daily folic acid supplements showed that elevated serum folic acid levels, or inactive folic acid in your blood can reduce the critical actions of natural killer cells.

Interestingly, an early study from the 1990s showed folic acid supplementation did provide benefits without any down side. It was believed that your gut microbes took care of reducing the folic acid to its active form folate.

Then came a groundbreaking study in 2014 that proved this belief wrong.

It turns out theres an extra step that must happen before your gut can fully reduce and add methyl groups to folic acid. This puts an even greater burden on your liver that can lead to liver stress, impaired removal of toxins, and reduced antioxidant and methylation capacity.

Understanding Methylation A Crucial Process That Keeps Your Body Functioning Properly
We just talked about how your liver must methylate or add methyl groups to folic acid before your body can use it. What exactly does this mean? And what is methylation?

Methylation is a process where methyl groups (unique structures of one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms) are added to the DNA molecules in your cells. This process occurs over a billion times a second to keep your body functioning properly!

In fact, this life-supporting process provides these necessary methyl groups to over two hundred functions in your body, including:

folate aids methylation
Folate aids methylation, the essential process for DNA repair and cleansing your body of toxins
Repairing and building DNA and RNA
Protecting your cells telomeres or genetic material that affect aging
Turning genes on and off
Regulating cellular energy
Repairing cell membranes and nerve sheaths
Supporting a healthy normal allergic response
Building immune cells
Producing glutathione to aid in cleansing of tissues
Regulating hormones
Supporting your bodys ability to clear itself of chemicals and heavy metals
Modulating your bodys stress response
Regulating your brains neurotransmitters for mood, brain function, and sleep
Supporting healthy weight management
I think youll agree, methylation is important for your health, and especially your longevity.

However, in many individuals, the methylation cycle cant effectively use the methyl groups it produces

Are Methylation Issues Getting in the Way of Your Health and Happiness? Meet the MTHFR Gene
How can you tell if you may be one of the many whose methylation cycle isnt working optimally?

You might be feeling low in energy. Maybe youre feeling moody or down. You may not be sleeping as well as youd like. Or you may be finding it hard to concentrate or notice it takes you a while to calm down after a frightful experience.

Perhaps youre dealing with metabolic, thyroid or heart issues, or have questions about your hormones.

All these can be signs that you have a mutation in the gene that controls your methylation cycle the MTHFR gene (stands for methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase).

MTHFR gene mutation
Up to a half of the U.S. population may have a MTHFR gene mutation
A mutation is a change in your DNA sequence. When you have a MTHFR mutation, you have whats considered a down regulation of the enzyme. A mutation can affect a genes shape and function.

So what does all this have to do with folate?

The enzyme MTHFR converts the folate you get in food into its active form, 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF).

By turning folic acid into methylate folate or 5-MTHF, you kick-start your methylation cycle. And methylation is essential for the proper removal of heavy metals and chemicals like glyphosate from your body.

Generally speaking, many individuals with MTHFR enzyme challenges arent able to purge heavy metals and other toxic substances properly.

Although the incidence of a MTHFR mutation varies widely depending on ethnic group and region, some leading alternative practitioners now believe that as many as 40 to 50 percent (or more) of the U.S. population may have the gene defect!

The best way to know for sure if you are affected is to work with a knowledgeable, preferably holistic practitioner and possibly test for MTHFR.

So You Suspect (or Know) You Have the MTHFR Gene Mutation. Now What?
grounding and movement
Grounding and movement promotes proper methylation
The good news is, even if you have a variance in the gene, you are not doomed to expressing it!

There are many everyday things you can do to help balance methylation and give your body its best chance to overcome the shortfall:

Avoid foods and supplements with folic acid (be sure to read labels!)
Eat lots of organic raw, leafy green vegetables and other high folate foods
Avoid processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and sugar
Minimize stress and practice stress management (I recommend Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and meditation)
Avoid dairy, gluten, and soy (especially important if you have methylation issues)
Restrict, or better yet, avoid alcohol (it depletes needed B vitamins)
Avoid smoking and second-hand smoke
Reduce your exposure to plastics, BPA, and manmade materials
Avoid using cleaning products with toxic and harsh chemicals
By following these healthy living guidelines, you can help reduce the stress on your elimination organ your liver and help improve your methylation and your bodys ability to remove harmful substances.

But to truly improve your bodys ability to cleanse itself and methylate properly, you must go beyond the basics I suggest taking additional steps.

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