GAIN at Weight Loss Add YEARS to your LIFE & LIFE to your YEARS!

To reach your ideal weight, complete the Wellness IQ on the top of this website and the Assessment Form to identify the root cause of your obesity. Health Assessment Form

Breakfast is the most important meal high in protein and high in fiber with no sugar or flour.

Eat breakfast like a king/queen; Lunch like a prince/princess and supper like a popper.

When your blood sugar goes up quickly and stays there, insulin rises in response, chasing that excess sugar around the bloodstream and shoving it into any cell that will take it, which is more often than not the fat cells.

This effectively turns off your fat burning switch, which is glucagon, a hormone that has the exact opposite effect of insulin.

If you want to burn belly fat, you will want your fat burning switch to be turned on. This can not happen when insulin levels are high. So you want a breakfast that does not send insulin levels skyrocketing. It is that simple.

BMI is a measure of body composition, arrived at by dividing your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. However, this is actually a highly flawed technique for determining whether you are truly overweight, as it fails to differentiate between muscle and fat tissue.

It also does not take into account the distribution of body fat on your physical frame, and we now know that excess visceral fat the fat that accumulates around your internal organs is far more hazardous to your health than subcutaneous fat (the more noticeable fat found just under your skin).

The danger of visceral fat is related to the release of proteins and hormones that can cause inflammation, which in turn can damage arteries and enter your liver, and affect how your body breaks down sugars and fats.

To determine your height to-waist ratio, simply measure your height and your waist circumference with a measuring tape. Your waist circumference should be less than half of your height. As an example, if you are six feet tall (72 inches), your waist circumference should ideally be less than 36 inches.
Carrying more fat around your hips and buttocks, on the other hand, is associated with reduced health risks as this subcutaneous fat is not nearly as harmful as the fat around your internal organs.
The ideal waist to hip ration is less than 1 to prevent chronic diseases.
Request your Free Ebook about How to Gain at Weight Loss by email for valuable information on releasing your extra weight.
Eat these vegetables daily to burn abdominal fat:
Onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, broccoli, buck choy, kale, cabbage and other green leafy vegetables rich in antioxidants and natural anti inflammatory substances particularly quercetin a potent bioflavoniods.

Avoid crash/fad diets. Exercise out doors as often as possible to keep fit and tone muscles. Try deep breathing exercises, full hydration with alkaline water 2 L/day and achieve alkaline pH of 7.35 is the key to weight management.
50-55% of your diet should be complex carbohydrates [4 cal/g]; 30% of your diet should be proteins [4 cal/g] and Fats [9 cal/g] should only be 15 to 20%. Reduce or eliminate alcohol [7 cal/g].

When you approach weight loss from the outside in, you overlook mental and emotional threats that can confuse your body into thinking that being fat can help keep you safe.

Here are four threats that may be affecting your weight problem:

1. Fear of Scarcity: When you spend your time in fear that you do not have enough money then you send a message to your body that resources are limited. The only resource that your body recognizes is food and storing fat is how your body saves up.

2. Emotional Obesity: At a subconscious level you may have the association that being fat makes you feel safer, or that it is serving another emotional need. In this case your body is simply trying to protect you; it is making you feel safer emotionally.

3. Mental Starvation: Though your body only recognizes physical starvation, you can also be suffering from emotional or mental starvation.

This could be a desire for love, joy, fun, intimacy, or a deeper spiritual connection. Any mental or emotional longing can send the same chemical signals in your brain that physical starvation causes.

4. Dysfunctional Beliefs: If you believe that you were meant to be fat, or deserve to be fat, or if you view weight loss as impossible, then your body will obey by refusing to lose weight. Change your dysfunctional beliefs first and then weight loss will become simple.

*Corresponding author: George Grant, Canadas Wellness Ambassador,
Specialist in Integrative Medicine/Nutrition/Biofeedback/Pain & Stress, Canadian
authority in Integrative & Functional and Nutritional Medicine Academy of Wellness,
Canada, Tel: 416-562-3140; E-mail:
Received January 06, 2016; Accepted January 08, 2016; Published January 15,
Citation: Grant GF (2016) Gain at your Weight Management using Simple
Lifestyle. J Womens Health Care 5: e115. doi:10.4172/2167-0420.1000e115
Copyright: 2016 Grant GF. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Gain at your Weight Management.

Avoid Fast foods with empty calories and switch to Nutrition Dense Foods:
Bad Food #1: Cobb Salad
Cobb salads are loaded with cheese, bacon, egg, and topped with a creamy dressing. Sure, youre eating a salad, but that salad is likely to contain more calories than a burger.

At-Home Version: Making a lighter Cobb Salad at home is easy and quick. Start with a dark lettuce, like spinach or arugula, to get the most nutritional value. Top it with hard boiled egg whites, baked turkey bacon, light cheese, avocado and drizzle lemon juice and vinegar for dressing. This at-home version has dramatically lower calories while still providing you with a satisfying, tasty dish.

Bad Food #2: Spinach Artichoke Dip
When it comes to appetizers, spinach dip is filled with veggies so its calorie content is often underestimated. Dont be fooled: just half a cup of this creamy dip will set you back about 350 calories. And if you finish the bowl yourself then youve just taken in 1,000 calories in dip alone, not to mention the chips or pita bread you scooped it with.

At-Home Version: That delicious creamy spinach flavor can be recreated at home by using low-fat milk, spinach, some olive oil and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. A quick Google search for light creamed spinach recipe will give you plenty of recipe options that are much lower in fat and calories than the restaurant version.

Bad Food #3: Chicken Tenders
Fried chicken of any kind from a restaurant is going to be loaded with more fat and calories than youd believe. Even a serving on the kids menu will tip the scales at over 800 calories.

At-Home Version: Making faux fried chicken at home is easy and surprisingly delicious. Whip up a few eggs with some Dijon mustard, garlic powder and onion powder. Dip your skinless, boneless chicken tenders in the mixture and then coat with almond flour, thyme, paprika and salt. Bake at 350 degrees F for 35 minutes or until no longer pink, flipping once halfway through. Turn on the broiler for the last couple of minutes to make it nice and crispy.

This at-home version will save you hundreds of calories that would have ended up around your waist.

Bad Food #4: Sliders
Sliders are so small, there is no harm in enjoying a couple of, right? Wrong. Despite their petite package, enjoy a couple sliders and youll have taken in more than 1,000 calories.

At-Home Version: The biggest problems with the restaurant slider are its fatty meat content and the refined-carbohydrate bun. So at home you can remedy these two issues. 1) Use lean, ground turkey to create petite patties. Use your grill pan to cook them with minimal oil. 2) Instead of the carbohydrate-filled bun, use large pieces of butter lettuce to wrap around your patties. Add sliced tomato, low fat cheese and grilled onion and secure the whole thing with a toothpick. These at-home sliders are guilt-free!

Bad Food #5: Pasta
Eating a pasta-based dish at a restaurant is weight-loss suicide. There is no way to escape all those carbohydrate calories unscathed. The 1,000+ calories found in the noodles will quickly end up stored on your body as fat.

At-Home Version: There are two really easy and guilt-free ways to mimic pasta noodles at home. 1) Bake a spaghetti squash until tender, then scoop out the soft, angel hair-like strands and top with your healthy pasta sauce. 2) Using a vegetable peeler, create long strips of zucchini and top with your healthy pasta sauce.

Cooking more of your meals at home, using the tips above, will save you many hidden calories and goes hand-in-hand with regular, challenging workouts in seeing you to your wellness & fitness goals.

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