Biofeedback & stress

Why Biofeedback can reduce Stress Naturally?

Biofeedback has been proven in scientific literature to reduce the stress that are responsible for over 85% of all diseases. Our wellness doctors at our walk-in clinic in Richmond Hill will help you with this non invasive assessment to reduce stress.

Health Canada & The Mayo Clinic acknowledge the Biofeedback therapeutic aspects and its powerful potential.

Biofeedback quite simply is any technique that takes a measurement of the body, and provides a result to reduce stress. Stress is responsible for 85% of all diseases as documented in the literature. The Biofeedback device can detect and correct stress and help our clients to take charge of their health. Biofeedback is an excellent tool for stress assessment and evaluation.

A scale can be said to be a biofeedback device that measures weight; a thermometer one that measures body temperature. We can measure factors of the body electric such as the voltage of the firing brain cells, the amperage of the heart muscle contractions, the voltage of the muscles and the resistance to the flow of electricity of the skin. We use the latest Biofeedback Devices in our Lunch & Learn Seminars, workplace wellness programs and Non Profit Seminars Worldwide. See Our Lunch & Learn Seminars section for major corporations worldwide.

We can measure the oscillations of these factors and as seen by the EEG, ECG, EMG and GSR. The same technological theories that brought us biofeedback in the 1960s, have also brought devices like the CAT Scan, MRI, TENS, ultra-sound, and many other sophisticated technologies to our healthcare systems.

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