Avoid Plastics

Plastic has its role in modern society. It is an essential part of our cars, computers, mobile phones, childrens toys and practically most everything we use on a day-to-day basis. But there is one place where plastic has worn out its welcome and that is as a container for the food we eat and the water we drink.

The bottom line is that plastic is made from toxic materials. It is a known fact that these toxins can leach into whatever they come into contact with. And it is a known fact that when the compounds that make up plastic are ingested, they damage your body on a cellular level and cause health problems.

The pundits will say that the human body can easily handle the “small” amounts (which the government insultingly likes to call “acceptably safe levels”) of toxins that are ingested from plastic. But I find this excuse to be one of the world’s biggest cop-outs. The fact remains that the human body wasn’t designed to ingest plastic, and my children are just too important to me to let them take this risk. Period.

Here are 2 reasons why you should avoid plastic containers:

1. Toxic compounds in plastic can make you really sick.

It is typical to suffer from a variety of health problems as you age. But is this just “part of getting older”? Or is this perhaps the result of a toxic overload in the body? It’s common knowledge that illness and disorders such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, heart disease, vision impairment and many others health problems are all on the rise. Could this be in some way associated with the increasing amount of plastic in our lives? Plastic food and beverage containers became popular fairly recently (in the 1970s) and have become ubiquitous in our lives since then. More and more research is proving that toxic compounds found in plastic cause health problems ranging from cancer to infertility.

2. There is no such thing as a safe plastic.

Plastics that contain the super toxic compound bisphenol A (BPA) have been in the news a lot lately. And for this reason, consumers have been duped into thinking that if a product is “BPA-free” it is perfectly safe. But this is a lie. Lots of companies have caught on to the fact that they can sell more of a product if it’s labeled as “BPA-free.” But guess what? It may be BPA-free, but in its place, these companies are using BPS, a close cousin of BPA that may be equally as toxic!

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