Living Healthy


Avoid Lectins

What Are Lectins? Lectins are carb-binding proteins and mostly found in plants and thought to protect them against animals in nature. Lectins are indigestible, travel through the gut unchanged, and […]


Depression & Heart Disease

Depression & Heart Disease Learn about when temporary feelings of sadness are normal or when treatment is necessary to help you cope and recover. Stress, anxiety and depression and its


Eat More Vegetables Daily

If consuming your recommended two to three cups of vegetables every day feels like a chore, it’s obvious you’ve yet to tap into the artful, enchanting and exquisite potential of

Fitness and Exercise

Arsenic Toxicity

Consumer Reports tested 223 samples of rice products and found significant levels of arsenic in almost all of them.1 Researchers found arsenic contamination in every kind of rice tested including

Fitness and Exercise

Hypertension[BP] “normal” blood pressure [Hypertension]was accepted as whatever your age was plus 100. So a twenty-year old was expected to have a BP no higher than 120/80. A forty-year old,

Blogs, Fitness and Exercise

Vitamin D3 Some People Need More Vitamin D There are certain groups of people who need more dietary vitamin D than others. These include older people, those with darker skin, people

Fitness and Exercise


Wise Life: The GPS for Total Wellness. Helping Clients, Corporations & Non Profits via mobile wellness clinics & Retreats Worldwide. Join our TEAM [Together Everyone Achieve More]to collaborate and enhance


PCOS? Wise Life: The GPS for Total Wellness. Helping Clients, Corporations & Non Profits via mobile wellness clinics & Retreats Worldwide. Join our TEAM [Together Everyone Achieve More]to collaborate and


Cell Phones

Do mobile phones cause brain tumors or not? Whenever theres a trillion-dollar industry involved whether its Big Food, Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, or Big Telecom there is so much money


The Mediterranean Diet Here’s what the marketers truly don’t wish you to know. Should you quit using the balm your legs will return to the manner they were in the beginning


Massage Therapy

Massage & Meditation is better than Pain Medications. Verified by Add YEARS to your LIFE & LIFE to your YEARS!

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