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As we get older, it’s not uncommon for men to develop an enlarged prostate. And, although BPH isn’t a very dangerous condition, it can be a source of pain and discomfort. Fortunately, some foods can help you prevent this condition.
Here are the best foods for prostate health:
Sesame Seeds
A study published in the Indian Journal of Urology found that men with prostate cancer and BPH had lower levels of zinc in their blood compared to healthy men. Not only are sesame seeds very rich in zinc, but it’s much easier for our bodies to absorb the zinc from this food than from zinc supplements.
Bell Peppers
Vitamin C is one of the most important micro-nutrients and is often praised for its role in strengthening our immune system. Research shows that it could also help with BPH symptoms. Bell peppers are very rich in vitamin C, as are cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and kale.
Green Vegetables
Newsflash: green veggies are healthy. Not only are they rich in antioxidants, but green leafy vegetables can also reduce the risk of prostate cancer and BPH.
What makes tomatoes one of the best foods for prostate health is lycopene – a carotenoid whose effects on prostate cancer and BPH have long been discussed. A study by the University of Hohenheim in Germany found that this compound could slow the advancement of BPH.
Several studies show that isoflavones found in tofu can help with BPH symptoms, especially those that manifest in the lower urinary tract. Other foods that are also rich in isoflavones include tempeh, soy milk, and roasted soybeans.
Introduce any of these best foods for prostate health to make sure your prostate stays as healthy as possible as you reach late adulthood.
Experts have discovered strong evidence that there is a relationship between insulin-like growth factor and prostate cancer. This finding may make it possible for men to take steps to reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer by lowering their levels of this hormone if it is elevated.
What is insulin-like growth factor?
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) is a hormone that helps promote normal tissue and bone growth and development. It has a structure that is similar to that of insulin, and it works in synch with growth hormone to reproduce and regenerate cells.
Previous investigations have revealed that having levels of IGF-1 that are too low or too high are risk markers for a wide variety of health challenges. For example, low IGF-1 has been associated with metabolic syndrome, obesity, chronic inflammatory diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, lupus), depression, and dementia, including Alzheimers disease.
High IGF-1, on the other hand, has been linked to acne and to a greater risk of developing and dying of cancer and cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke.
Therefore, it appears it is important to strike a balance or normal level of IGF-1. The normal range for IGF-1 varies by gender and age and can be seen in this chart. You should discuss what is normal for you with your healthcare provider.
The relationship between insulin-like growth hormone and prostate cancer was examined by an international group of experts who conducted a meta-analysis that involved 19 studies and included 10,554 cases of prostate cancer and 13,618 controls. Data were collected on concentrations of five different IGFs. The reviewers reported that IGF-1 is highly likely to be involved in prostate cancer development.
Natural ways to lower IGF-1
For men who are interested in lowering their risk of prostate cancer, as well as other cancers and cardiovascular disease, there are several natural ways to reduce IGF-1 levels if they are elevated. For example:
Reduce protein intake. Numerous studies have shown that reducing protein intake will result in significantly lower IFG-1 levels. The secret, however, is that you need to reduce animal protein to reap this benefit. Thats because animal proteins, unlike those in plants, are rich in the amino acid methionine. Animal research has shown that when methionine intake is restricted, life span is lengthened. Therefore, it stands to reason that another way to lower IGF-1 levels would be to adopt the next suggestion:
Switch to plant protein. Plant protein contains a miniscule amount of methionine when compared with animal protein sources.
Get more glycine. The amino acid glycine helps lower IGF-1 by speeding up its clearance of methionine through the liver. You can take a glycine supplement like this one perhaps 2 to 3 grams dailyor you could consume plant proteins that have high levels of glycine, such as yeast and hemp protein powders (this is a highly rated one), and foods such as beans, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and pumpkin.
Try intermittent fasting. Much of the evidence that intermittent fasting can lower IGF-1 is anecdotal, since few studies have been conducted. Restricting caloric intake for set time periods, such as eating normally for five days and then consuming just 600 or 700 calories for two days, reportedly lowers IGF-1 and other growth factors, which in turn allows the body to repair and heal itself.
In a small study consisting of 34 resistance-trained men, half were randomly assigned to intermittent fasting (100% of calories consumed within an 8-hour period daily) and half to traditional eating patterns (3 meals consumed at 8 AM, 1PM, and 8PM). After eight weeks on this program, men in the intermittent fasting group showed a significant decline in IGF-1 and testosterone levels, as well as fat mass, when compared with the control group.
Conflicting research
Some research has suggested that boosting your folate levels can also lower your IGF-1. However, a systematic review and meta-analysis of 19 studies found that use of folic acid supplementation was associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer, but not other types of cancer.
Similarly, the anti-aging supplement resveratrol also has demonstrated an ability to lower IGF-1 levels. Animal research, however, has shown that resveratrol may increase the risk of prostate cancer as well. The decision so use either of these supplements should be made only after a thorough investigation of their pros and cons.
Last year a government task force reversed five years of advice on whether men should have a prostate specific antigen (PAS) test to screen for prostate cancer. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force reversed itself, it said, and once again began advising men to be screened because new evidence indicated that routine PSA blood tests can slightly reduce some Mens chances of dying from prostate cancer and that drastic treatment can sometimes be avoided with close monitoring when cancer is detected.
But new research published this week in one of the worlds most prestigious medical journals, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), debunks that argument. If orthodox medicine was actively working to muddle the issue of prostate health and the PAS test, it couldnt do a better job of throwing men into confusion on the subject than this.
The study by a team of researchers at the University of Bristol and University of Oxford found that PSA screening could only identify low-grade prostate diseases and failed to detect some aggressive and lethal prostate cancers.
As Medical News writes, researchers conducted the largest-ever prostate cancer trial over a decade, studying 400,000 men between ages 50 and 69. The trial compared 189,386 men who had a single PSA screening with 219,439 men who were not invited for screening.
After a decade of follow up, the total number of cases of prostate cancers reported in both the screening group and the control group were 8,054 (4.3 percent) and 7,853 (3.6 percent), respectively; however, the percentage men dying from prostate cancer in both the groups was 0.29 percent.
In other words, there was no difference in prostate cancer deaths between the tested and the untested group.
This has long been the consensus of those of us in the alternative medical community, and Ive been writing about it for years. Research has long placed substantial doubts about the validity and reliability of the PSA test. Even so, conventional doctors continue to use the test and rely on it to determine male prostate health.
Here is the point: The literature says a low PSA number of about four indicates a normal or healthy prostate, whereas higher numbers put prostate health in doubt and even suggests malignancy. A higher number, of course, calls for biopsy and may lead to prostate surgery.
Yet some men may have prostate malignancy with very low PSA numbers or no malignancy with very high PSA numbers.
This makes the whole test doubtful. I personally would not rely on the PSA test and would certainly refuse prostate surgery based on it or even biopsy at my age, 85.
Many men have been ruined because of prostate surgery. At the very least, all considerations of prostate surgery should be preceded by a detailed understanding of the pros and cons of relying on the PSA test.
Researchers participating in this latest trial agree.
The results highlight the multitude of issues the PSA test raises causing unnecessary anxiety and treatment by diagnosing prostate cancer in men who would never have been affected by it and failing to detect dangerous prostate cancers. Cancer Research UK is funding work that will allow us to follow the men for at least a further five years to see whether there is any longer-term benefit on reducing prostate cancer deaths, said Professor Richard Martin, lead author of the study.
Our large study has shed light on a highly debated issue. We found that offering a single PSA test to men with no symptoms of prostate cancer does not save lives after an average follow-up of 10 years, Martin said.
Integrative medicine specialists have told me to a man that a high PSA reading does not indicate cancer. Instead it indicates that something is going on to inflame the prostate. That something could indeed be cancer, but it is much more likely that a high reading is due to a recent infection or a completely benign enlargement of the prostate gland.
The literature claims that many or most men age 50 and older have dormant prostate cancer and that most never become active.
There are quite a few herbs and other plant extracts that help with prostate health, including pumpkin seeds, saw palmetto and stinging nettle. But the two most important things for your prostate are exercise and nutrition.
To prevent prostate enlargement and cancer, you should strive to be as active as possible. At least walk as much as possible. Walking often has the same health benefits as running, without the inflammatory side effects. A study last year performed in Sweden that suggested more intense exercise can cut your risk of prostate cancer in half. Further, the researchers discovered that exercising with vigor for 60 minutes inhibited the growth of existing cancer cells by over 30 percent.
I believe that prostate health is also based on diet plus whether one is a smoker or heavy drinker. Its obvious that unhealthy lifestyles will lead to unhealthy outcomes.
Zinc is your most basic prostate food, along with another essential mineral, selenium. They work together to maintain cellular health and are must-have for mens health because they reduce aromatase, and enzyme you want to reduce because it converts testosterone into estrogen, putting you on the path to reproductive cancers.
Spinach, beans, red meat, pumpkin seeds and oysters all have plenty of zinc in them, and for selenium, tuna and Brazil nuts should give you all you need.
Heres the thing about zinc that is not well known but important. It can interfere with the absorption of other minerals. Thats why you want to take zinc separately, preferably before you go to bed so that you have a whole night of sleep to absorb it, and before taking any other supplements during the day.
When you are faced with Cancer Diagnosis do NOT FEAR? The worst 4 letters word starting with F?
FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real
FEAR= Forget Everything and RUN
FEAR= Face Everything and RISE
Cancer is reversible, preventable through lifestyle changes & Thermotherapy, achieving alkaline pH, Full Hydration, Full Oxygen through Deep Belly Breathing.
Read my published research on Thermotherapy using the Amethyst Bio Mat to prevent/Reverse Cancer.
Prostate Enlargement: How To Prevent It Naturally By Adding Certain Foods To Your Diet
My article will help people with prostate problems because there is an easy way to deal with things naturally by adding a few certain foods to their diet.
Some people are unfortunate enough to start suffering from enlarged prostate problems and all the risks associated with it, but luckily there is a natural way to look after yourself. You just need to add a few things to your diet because of the vitamins and minerals they contain and we are going to look at them right now.
Bell peppers
It is well-known that lots of fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C and this will help your prostate stay healthy if you consume enough of it. The thing most people do not seem to understand is that vitamin C will only help your prostate through vegetables alone, so do not go eating as many citrus fruits as possible. I have mentioned bell peppers because they taste great, but they are also the vegetable that contains the most vitamin C.
People who eat a diet filled with lots of fish tend to be healthier than the average person. If you want to focus in on one particular fish the clear winner has to be salmon. I am sure you already know about the health benefits of omega 3, which are fatty acids contained in certain types of fish. If you have enough of those fatty acids in your body it will help keep your prostate in check. Although salmon is king you can still get a lot of the same benefits from eating any oily fish.
You can argue all day about whether or not a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable, but just make sure you include them in your diet. The reason tomatoes look so red and juicy is because they contain a high amount of lycopene. It will help you avoid prostate inflammation because lycopene will assist your blood in getting rid of antigen, which happens to be a protein that will enlarge your prostate. Any type of tomato product will help you and you can even drink a glass of juice in the morning.
Sesame seeds
Most people do not eat enough seeds and they are more likely to feed them to birds than to include them in their diet, but you cannot go wrong using sesame seeds when you cook. The seeds contain a lot of zinc and this will help keep your prostate stay nice and healthy. They have actually found people with prostate cancer have a lot less zinc in their body than the average person. If you love eating salads to help with your weight loss goals you should sprinkle some sesame seeds on top to make the salads even more delicious.
I know a lot of meat eaters will not even look at a piece of tofu, but you might change your mind because it can help you avoid an enlarged prostate. Asian men do not have the same amount of prostate problems as their western counterparts and one of the reasons why this is the case is because they eat more soybean. The soybean isoflavones lower the risk of you developing an enlarged prostate, so maybe you should not give vegetarians such a hard time from now on.
Todays guest author, Karen Fernandes, is a fitness enthusiast who often writes on topics related to health and wellness online. She enjoys dancing and working out in her free time. You can follow her on Twitter for more information.
The Powerful Disease-Fighting Benefits of Guinea Hen Weed Tea
Guinea Hen Weed Tea is an antimicrobial and immunostimulant making it a doubly powerful disease-fighting herbal tea. Often known as anamu by natives in its indigenous Amazon homeland, this super plant has been used for medicinal, herbal and culinary purposes with astounding results. Studies completed worldwide have found this unique plant contains properties that combat a variety of infections and diseases.
Guinea Hen Weed, or anamu, is composed of a variety of antioxidants such as tannins and flavenoids, naturally occurring steroids found in plant cell membranes, photochemicals and sulfuric compounds. The blend of these potent elements has never been seen in any plant known to man. Research indicates that when combined in a plant like Guinea Hen Weed, these ingredients act as an antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial. As you can imagine, this phenomenal plant has huge potential in a medical context for treating or supporting existing treatments of many diseases that threaten the human population.
Lets start with one of the biggest diseases plaguing our modern world. While there are many known and suspected causes of cancer, the proliferation of free radicals and build up of inflammation are two of the worst culprits. Guinea Hen Weed may be a great preventative solution as it contains powerful levels of antioxidants. But it goes above and beyond with a combination of the sulfur compounds dibenzyl trisulfide and the photochemicals astilbin, benzldehyde and coumarin. In laboratory tests, these prove to have anti-cancerous effects. Additionally, the compounds in Guinea Hen Weed do not attack healthy cells. In a plant-screening done by the University of Illinois at Chicago, Guinea Hen Weed was named one of 34 plants that have active anti-cancer elements.
Guinea Hen Weed has even more amazing benefits. Clinical trials show that Guinea Hen Weed is a broad spectrum antimicrobial, working to fight off many strains of viruses, fungus, yeast and bacteria. Tests have shown promising results for using the plant to support people with hepatitis C, E. coli, staph infections, bovina diarrhea, pseudomonas and shingella, as well as a mycobacterium tuberculosis. Guinea Hen Weed is a cyolooxygenase-1 inhibitor that helps support joint pain. Plus, Guinea Hen Weed may have benefits for diabetics.
The next time you are in the mood for a cup of tea, make it Zokivas all-new 100% natural Guinea Hen Weed Tea. With disease-fighting properties that are second-to-none, you will be drinking to your health and vitality for a long lifetime to come.
Imagine a Jamaican being offered US$100 million for a patent, in relation to cancer research done on a local plant. Imagine further that this offer has been rejected because the earning potential for this breakthrough is estimated to be even greater than that which has been offered.
Thats not just a hypothetical scenario anymore. Dr. Lawrence Williams, research consultant with the Scientific Research Council, and a Jamaican partner living in the United States are the holders of that patent and they reportedly received that lucrative offer from a major drug company in the United States.
Dr. Williams has been conducting research for years on a compound from the Guinea Hen Weed (scientific name: Petiveria alliacea), which has reached the patent stage. Hes confident that the drug he is developing will be effective against a range of cancers. It works on 12 kinds of cancers so far; two or three types of breast cancer, neuroblastoma, lung, melanoma, adenocarcinoma, prostate etc.
Dr. Williams was speaking recently in an exclusive interview with RJRs Earl Moxam.
Click on the arrow above for access to audio of the interview
Fat Content and Cardiovascular Disease
Dairy productsincluding cheese, ice cream, milk, butter, and yogurtcontribute significant amounts of cholesterol and saturated fat to the diet.15 Diets high in fat and especially in saturated fat can increase the risk of heart disease and can cause other serious health problems.
A low-fat, plant-based diet that eliminates dairy products, in combination with exercise, smoking cessation, and stress management, can not only prevent heart disease, but may also reverse it.
Dairy and Cancer
Consumption of dairy products has also been linked to higher risk for various cancers, especially to cancers of the reproductive system. Most significantly, dairy product consumption has been linked to increased risk for prostate and breast cancers.
The danger of dairy product consumption as it relates to prostate and breast cancers is most likely related to increases in insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which is found in cows milk. Consumption of milk and dairy products on a regular basis has been shown to increase circulating levels of IGF-1. Perhaps the most convincing association between IGF-1 levels and cancer risk is seen in studies of prostate cancer. Case-control studies in diverse populations have shown a strong and consistent association between serum IGF-1 concentrations and prostate cancer risk. One study showed that men with the highest levels of IGF-1 had more than four times the risk of prostate cancer, compared with those who had the lowest levels.26 In the Physicians Health Study, tracking 21,660 participants for 28 years, researchers found an increased risk of prostate cancer for those who consumed ≥2.5 servings of dairy products per day as compared with those who consumed 0.5 servings a day. This study, which is supported by other findings, also shows that prostate cancer risk was elevated with increased consumption of low-fat milk, suggesting that too much dairy calcium, and not just the fat associated with dairy products, could be a potential threat to prostate health.
In addition to increased levels of IGF-1, estrogen metabolites are considered risk factors for cancers of the reproductive system, including cancers of the breasts, ovaries, and prostate. These metabolites can affect cellular proliferation such that cells grow rapidly and aberrantly, which can lead to cancer growth. Consumption of milk and dairy products contributes to the majority (60-70 percent) of estrogen intake in the human diet.
In a large study including 1,893 women from the Life After Cancer Epidemiology Study who had been diagnosed with early-stage invasive breast cancer, higher amounts of high-fat dairy product consumption were associated with higher mortality rates. As little as 0.5 servings a day increased risk significantly. This is probably due to the fact that estrogenic hormones reside primarily in fat, making the concern most pronounced for consumption of high-fat dairy products.
The consumption of dairy products may also contribute to development of ovarian cancer. The relation between dairy products and ovarian cancer may be caused by the breakdown of the milk sugar lactose into galactose, a sugar which may be toxic to ovarian cells. In a study conducted in Sweden, consumption of lactose and dairy products was positively linked to ovarian cancer. A similar study, the Iowa Womens Health Study, found that women who consumed more than one glass of milk per day had a 73 percent greater chance of developing ovarian cancer than women who drank less than one glass per day.
Its been twenty-one years since the first study reported a possible link between elevated serum selenium and prostate cancer risk reduction. In the years since, research has continued to explore this minerals role in cancer risk reduction. A literature review in the journal Medicine released this week continues the steady stream of research supporting this viewpoint.
Seventeen of 1352 studies (up to Sept. 2016) were identified as suitable from PubMed, Embase, Medline, and the Cochrane Library. The final review included 6136 prostate cancer cases and >34,901 controls or participants.
New research from The University of Texas at Austin identifies several natural compounds found in food, including turmeric, apple peels and red grapes, as key ingredients that could thwart the growth of prostate cancer, the most common cancer afflicting U.S. men and a key area of focus during Mens Health Month, which public health advocates celebrate in June, reports the University of Texas in Austin. Published online this week in Precision Oncology, the new paper uses a novel analytical approach to screen numerous plant-based chemicals instead of testing a single agent as many studies do, discovering specific combinations that shrink prostate cancer tumors.
Ursolic acid from apple peels
Curcumin from turmeric
Resveratrol from red grapes
The new research paper also demonstrates how the plant-based chemicals work together. Combining ursolic acid with either curcumin or resveratrol prevents cancer cells from gobbling something that they need to grow, glutamine. This is a neat solution: blocking the uptake of a nutrient needed by prostate cancer cells with nutrients that are commonly in the human diet.
Did you know that two-thirds of all men over 60 already have prostate cancer?
Are you shocked? The fact is, most men die with the condition not from it. This is because their bodies are able to hold the cancer in check.
Problems only develop when a man’s body loses control of his cancer (which is signaled by a rise in his PSA score).
Anything that prevents a rise in PSA is likely helping to control the growth of prostate cancer. And this is exactly what my “prostate protection program” is designed to do even in men who have already been diagnosed.
Fish Oil Lowers PSA Scores Dramatically!
In the study (published in the prestigious British Journal of Nutrition), researchers selected a group of men with PSA levels of less than 2.5. Some of the men were given a daily fish oil supplement, while others got a capsule of CoQ10 (100 mg). Still others received a placebo.
At the end of 12 weeks, the results were amazing. The fish oil had lowered the PSA levels dramatically (average decrease: 30%) and the CoQ10 worked even better (average decrease in PSA: 33%).
Furthermore, the longer the men took the fish oil and CoQ10, the lower their PSA score dropped. This means that the higher their blood levels of these nutrients climbed, the lower their PSA levels went.
If you suffer from prostate problems, then you may have heard that they’re caused by DHT (di-hydro-testosterone). But did you know that your toilet paper could also be to blame? It’s true!
Here’s why
Scientists have found that many brands of toilet paper contain a toxic chemical called BPA.You may know BPA as a chemical found in plastics. It’s in water bottles, food containers, and even baby toys. And guess what? It’s also in toilet paper, thanks to contamination during the recycling process!
You see, many toilet papers are made from recycled paper. And some of the papers being recycled come from magazines, credit card receipts, and other papers that are coated with plastic. As a result, BPA makes its way into the toilet paper. In fact, a government study found that 81% of all paper products contain BPA in them!1
Research shows that BPA is easily absorbed into the body through contact with the skin.2 And with toilet paper, it’s even worse than regular paper. Why? Because you’re wiping with toilet paper onto your anus. Not only is your anus right next to your prostate, but it contains lots of blood vessels.
So when you’re wiping with BPA-laden toilet paper, the toxin goes right into your bloodstream. It’s as if you were giving yourself a BPA suppository!
When BPA goes into your bloodstream, it can wreak havoc on your prostate health and sexual function. This has been demonstrated in several studies.
One study found that patients with unhealthy prostates had much higher BPA than people with healthy prostates. Another study found that BPA stimulates prostate cell growth, even in tiny amounts.3 And yet another study found that BPA can reduce daily sperm production by a whopping 20%!
Why is BPA so damaging to your prostate and sexual health? Well, it has to do with its ability to mimic estrogen. As you may know, BPA is chemically similar to estrogen. It can actually mimic estrogen and cause your body’s levels to shoot up. This can lead to estrogen building up in your prostate.
When estrogen builds up in your prostate, you have an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone. To compensate, your body converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). You see, DHT is 10 times stronger than regular testosterone. So your body converts as much testosterone as it can into DHT, in order to undo the adverse effects of rising estrogen.
But there’s a downside to DHT. DHT stimulates prostate cell growth, and causes your prostate to swell up until you have trouble peeing.
As your prostate gets bigger and bigger, you begin to lose urinary control. What happens next? Well, you may need to get up several times at night to rush to the bathroom. You may need to look for the men’s room everywhere you go. When you try to pee, you may dribble in stops and starts. And you may feel like you never fully empty your bladder.
Leads to Baldness
In addition to prostate problems, DHT can also cause hair loss and male pattern baldness. It does so by causing hair follicles on your head to shrink until they stop growing hair.
And that’s not all. As your body keeps turning testosterone into DHT to counter the rising estrogen, your testosterone levels plummet. Eventually, your body can no longer keep up. And you end up with too much estrogen and too little testosterone.
Too much estrogen and too little testosterone can result in low sex drive and weaker erections. It can ruin your sex life! Not only that, it can also lead to softer
Everyday Objects That Can Turn You Into A “Girly Man”
Don’t let this happen to you!
Scientists have found toxins that act like estrogen in many of the things we come into contact with each day. Things like
Dollar bills/Napkins/Paper towels/Food contact papers/Flyers/Magazines/Store receipts/Credit card receipts/Toilet paper/Envelopes/Printer papers/Business cards/Airline boarding passes…etc
Studies show the toxins in these items can easily get absorbed into your body through the skin. Or the toxins can be transferred to your hands, and then to the food you hold and eat.
Once in your body, these toxins can throw your body out of whack. Like estrogen, they can cause your testosterone levels to plummet. They can make your muscles softer, and your arms and legs flabby. They can even cause you to grow “man boobs” and make you look more feminine.
The good news is, you don’t have to let this happen to you. Keep reading to discover a simple way to protect yourself from estrogen like toxins in the environment.
muscles and flabby arms and legs. It can even cause you to grow “man boobs” and make you look more feminine.
In addition, research shows too much estrogen can also lead to other health problems. These include uncontrolled weight gain, mood swings, dangerous blood clots, heart problems, and more.
By now, you can see why BPA is so hazardous to your prostate and overall health. And BPA is not just in toilet paper. It’s also found in many everyday things, including paper money store receipts credit card receipts magazines airline tickets food cartons napkins and even dental fillings.4
And it gets worse. In addition to BPA, there are many other estrogen-like chemicals in the environment. These include PCBs in soil and water dioxin in polluted air phthalates in shampoos and soaps pesticide residues in our food plus many more. It’s virtually impossible to avoid exposure to these environmental estrogens.
Luckily, there’s a simple solution
How to Undo the Effects of Man-Made Estrogen and Shrink Your Prostate
Scientists have discovered an amazing nutrient that can protect your prostate against BPA and estrogen. It’s called di-indolylmethane, or “DIM” for short. How does DIM protect your prostate? First, it reduces estrogen by converting it into “good” estrogen by-products. These estrogen by-products have been shown to enhance prostate health.5
Second, DIM lowers estrogen receptors in your prostate. By doing so, it blocks the activity of estrogen and its damaging effects on your prostate.6
Third, DIM also lowers the receptors in your prostate that take in DHT. High levels of these receptors can lead to prostate enlargement and increased PSA levels. By lowering these receptors, DIM helps promote normal prostate size and healthy PSA levels.7 In a clinical study, patients taking DIM saw a dramatic fall in their PSA.
But the benefits of DIM don’t end there. It also blocks oxidative stress and inflammation that can injure your prostate.8
Even more amazing, studies show DIM helps testosterone go up, you have more energy, more strength, and greater sex drive. That means, you can improve your sexual function and get back your manhood.
What’s more, research shows DIM can also help you lose weight and reduce your waistline. Plus, it boosts your immune system and helps you fight off viruses.
Millions of men face prostate issues, with treatment with drugs and surgery often making their problems worse. A new study reveals that simply eating flaxseed may be the best way to improve your symptoms, and take back control of your health.
A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food titled, “Efficacy and Safety of a Flaxseed Hull Extract in the Symptomatic Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Parallel, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Pilot Study,” reveals that men who consumed an extract of flaxseed for swollen prostate (i.e. benign prostatic hyperplasia) saw significant improvement.
According to the study, The American Urology Association (AUA) Guideline, 2010, defines benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) as proliferation of smooth muscles and epithelial cells within the prostatic transition zone. The typical symptoms include:
Urinary frequency
Nocturia (abnormal frequency of night time urination)
Decreased and intermittent force of stream
Sensation of incomplete bladder emptying.
BPH is one of the most widespread health conditions faced by men today, with the incidence rising to nearly 50% of the male population by the eighth decade of their lives. Moreover, countries like China and India are now seeing an exponential increase in BPH diagnoses as they increasingly adopt the Western diet, lifestyle, and medical system.
Current approaches include side effect heavy pharmaceuticals such as alpha adrenergic blockers and 5 a-reductase inhibitors, as well “gold standard” surgical procedures such as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), which so consistently produces surgery related impairments that there is an entire syndrome named after these side effects, namely, Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) Syndrome.
The human cost in both financial and existential terms is immense. This is why interest in safe, natural, affordable and effective alternatives is growing, and why the researchers felt compelled to test the hypothesis that eating flaxseed might provide an ideal alternative approach.
In the randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled study, three groups of men, aged 45-75, with newly diagnosed BPH and an American Urological Association Symptom Index (AUASI) score of 13 , were given either a placebo, or a low or high dose of a lignin-rich flaxseed hull extract. More specifically:
“Study treatment consisted of 500 or 1000 mg of extract containing 100 mg (low-dose active [LDA] group, n = 26) or 200 mg (high-dose active [HDA] group, n = 26) of secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), respec- tively. The placebo (P) group (n = 28) received matching maltodextrin capsules. Sixty subjects (LDA [n = 19], HDA [n = 20], and P [n = 21]) completed the study as per the protocol requirements. Change in the AUASI score within a period of 8 weeks, from baseline to end of treatment, was assessed.”
The promising results were reported as follows:
“In this study, supplementation with the flaxseed hull extract provided greater relief than placebo in obstructive symptoms of BPH, such as sensation of incomplete bladder emptying, ”stopping and starting” while urinating, weak urinary stream, and ”straining while urinating.” Low and high doses of the flaxseed extract provided statistically significant improvements in the scores of these obstructive symptoms at week 8 as compared with baseline. In contrast to this, the placebo group did not show a statistically significant improvement with respect to these obstructive symptoms.”
The treatment group did not see any sign of increased side effects relative to the placebo group, indicating how remarkably safe flaxseed is versus conventional treatment. Also, because the placebo group also saw a significant improvement, it is possible that the strong placebo effect may have overshadowed the real power of the intervention. We hope that in the future a non-pharmaceutical industry funded study compares flaxseed to both pharmaceutical and surgical intervention to assess its true power.
Another important observation is that the flaxseed groups saw an increase in free testosterone, as well as a decrease in the testosterone metabolite DHT, which is known to contribute to prostate growth both benign and malignant. The placebo group, on the other hand, saw both an increase in testosterone and DHT. This also means that aging men, whose testosterone levels often plunge in relation to their estrogen levels, might experience additional hormonal benefits from eating flaxseed that could contribute to their overall state of well-being.
Concluding Remarks
This study is highly promising for a number of reasons. First, flaxseed is a safe, time-tested, and highly nutritious food that has been researched for a wide range of health benefits. You can view over 70 health benefits we have identified here: Flaxseed research database. Anything that can be used as a nourishing food while at the same time significantly relieving human suffering from a common disease, is highly compelling.
But there is a deeper reason why flaxseed may work so well. Our bodies co-evolved with certain foods for hundreds of thousands of years. Certain foods contains phytocompounds which our bodies have become dependent upon for self-regulation and homeostasis It is possible that lignins are vitally important, as essential as vitamins for maintaining optimal health. Obviously BPH is not caused by a lack of surgery or synthetic chemicals, but it might be true to say that BPH is caused by the lack of an ideal diet which would include lignin rich foods like flaxseed. Cleary, therefore, flaxseed could be considered part of a root cause resolution approach to BPH, versus looking it as just a palliative “disease management” tool like most of the approaches within the conventional armamentarium. We also recently reported on a study which found, in the first study of its kind, that sesame seed contains as high — if not a higher density — of lignans than flaxseed.
Finally, BPH falls within the category of a condition that involves the abnormal growth of the very same epithelial tissue that cancer emerges within. Since flaxseed has been found to prevent and even regress cancerous epithelial growths, such as breast cancer, it is highly likely that flaxseed consumption may also be the best insurance policy out there to prevent prostate cancer from developing.
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